Research News

Wed 02 October, 2019
Bedfordshire Professor & Al-Mahdi Institute to host World’s Inaugural Islam & Organ Donation Workshop

University of Bedfordshire's Professor of Diversity will join some of the world’s leading Islamic scholars and policymakers in Birmingham to attend the world’s inaugural Islam & Organ Donation Workshop.

Wed 25 September, 2019
Psychology can help us beat obesity problem, says Bedfordshire expert

Psychologists have expertise to understand the causes of obesity and should be central to help the prevention and treatment of the condition, according to a leading Health Psychologist from the University of Bedfordshire.

Mon 23 September, 2019
Bedfordshire researches to support innovation project to protect vulnerable children

Researches from the University of Bedfordshire are supporting a four-year project investigating how innovation could help improve social care systems and practices for young people at complex safeguarding risk.

Wed 18 September, 2019
Spectacular new STEM building opens at Bedfordshire

The University of Bedfordshire officially opened its spectacular new £40m STEM building at its Luton campus on Tuesday 17 September.

Thu 12 September, 2019
University turns up the heat to help runner Ian train like a Spartan

The University of Bedfordshire has turned up the heat within its environmental chamber to help an athlete prepare for a gruelling 153 mile race in Greece’s unforgiving temperatures.

Tue 03 September, 2019
University of Bedfordshire takes action against online harassment

Researchers from the University of Bedfordshire have worked with Universities UK (UUK) to develop new guidance aimed at helping universities prevent and respond to all forms of online harassment.

Fri 02 August, 2019
App transforming English learning, says new Bedfordshire study

An AI powered English learning mobile app is improving understanding of the English language, according to a study by the University of Bedfordshire’s Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment (CRELLA), and the British Council.

Tue 23 July, 2019
Bedfordshire’s Business School given funding to tackle food waste across Europe

The University of Bedfordshire’s Business School is leading European efforts to tackle food waste by gaining funding for an innovative new project that uses technology to improve food supply chains.

Fri 05 July, 2019
University gets the keys to new STEM building

A £180m redevelopment of the University of Bedfordshire campuses took a giant step forward when the University was handed the ‘keys’ to its new Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) by construction company R G Carter (26 June).

Tue 28 May, 2019
University library is excellent for sustainability

The University of Bedfordshire’s library has received an award of excellence for its environmental performance.

Tue 26 March, 2019
New study finds vulnerability risks lead people into human trafficking

Vulnerability to human trafficking and modern slavery is influenced by overlapping and interconnected risk factors which cut across individual, household, family, community and structural dynamics according to a new study.

Tue 22 January, 2019
Expert warns of burnout among academics who work when sick

Research shows that UK academics who work while sick suffer higher levels of emotional exhaustion and lower job satisfaction.