University education “the best investment you could make”

Mon 18 August, 2014
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University of Bedfordshire Vice Chancellor Bill Rammell described going to university as “the best investment you could make” during a live education debate on Sky News.

The TV debate took place on the day ‘A’ level students received their results and universities began their Clearing campaigns, and Bill Rammell encouraged young people of all abilities to look positively at the option of going to university.

While highlighting that graduates can earn up to £250,000 more over their working life than people who finish their education at 16 or 18, the Bedfordshire Vice Chancellor emphasised that the benefits of a university education extend beyond money:

“Students can have an exciting time at university, they make lots of contacts, gain wider life skills and are more likely to be in work after they graduate. Graduates tend to be healthier too, have greater social mobility and travel more. And they contribute more to civic society.”

The Vice Chancellor also said the University of Bedfordshire “prided itself on delivering work-ready graduates”, adding that 92% of Bedfordshire graduates are in work or further study within six months of graduation.

Screen shot of the debate

Bill Rammell highlighted the results of the recent independent National Student Survey (NSS), which ranks the University of Bedfordshire as first in the country for improving the student experience in 2014, and as a leading university for improving the career prospects and outcomes of its students.

The University of Bedfordshire’s Clearing hotline – 0800 013 0925 – will be open all this week from 9am to 6pm.

Prospective students also have the opportunity to look around the University’s Luton, Bedford and Milton Keynes campuses, check out the student and teaching facilities, visit the student accommodation, have face-to-face meetings with academics and meet the Admissions team. Campus tours will run hourly every day this week.


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