
Programme overview

Major change to programme: Poster Exhibition moves to open Conference on Tuesday morning

Don't forget to register online!

Our keynote speaker is Professor Ray Land, creator of threshold concepts (biog to follow).

We're back again with the popular poster exhibition and marketplace, and a variety of presentations on current teaching & learning and research & enterprise. This year we also offer workshops which will develop new projects for the coming year.

All timings are final.

Day 1 - Tuesday, 5th July

8:30 9:00 Registration
9:00 9:15 Welcome & Introductions
9:15 10:00 Plenary 1 - Outcomes and Impacts
     Conference Opening:
     Prof. Les Ebdon, Vice Chancellor
     Lyndsay Murphy, President, University of Bedfordshire Students Union
     Prof. Carsten Maple, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research and Enterprise)
10:00 11:30 Poster Exhibition Presentations
    Poster presenters/ exhibitors available to discuss their work
11:00 11:30 Refreshment Break
11:30 13:00 Parallel Session 1
     1a - Staff Teaching and Learning Presentations
     1b - Staff and Student Research Presentations
     1c - Staff and Student Research Presentations

 1d - Invited Workshop: Journal writing and reviewing

 Facilitated by: David Mathew, Centre for Learning Excellence

13:00 14:00 Lunch
14:00 15:30 Parallel Session 2
     2a - Staff Teaching and Learning Presentations
     2b - Staff and Student Research Presentations
     2c - Staff and Student Research Presentations

 2d-i - Invited Workshop (14:00-15:00): Exploring synergies and cross-disciplinary working in health, education, social care and psychology.

 Facilitated by: Marilyn Leask and Cherilyn Dance

     2d-ii - Special Meeting (15:00-15:30): IRED Relaunch and AGM. Marilyn Leask.
15:30 16:00 Refreshment Break
16:00 17:30 Parallel Session 3
     3a - Staff Teaching and Learning Presentations
     3b - Staff and Student Research Presentations
     3c - Staff and Student Research Presentations

 3d - UoB 2012-17 Strategic Plan Workshop

 Facilitated by: Mark Atlay

  • Student learner journey
  • Student research and scholarship

Day 2 - Wednesday, 6th July

8:30 9:00 Registration
9:00 9:10 Welcome to Day 2
9:10 11:00 Plenary 2 - Outcomes and Impacts
    Keynote: Prof. Ray Land

Presentation: On the new Researcher Development Framework

 by Dr Tennie Videler, Programme Manager (Researchers), Vitae

11:00 11:30 Refreshment Break
11:30 13:00 Parallel Session 4

 4a - Invited workshop: Researcher Development Framework at tUoB

Facilitated by the Research Graduate School, with support from Vitae.


 4b - Invited workshop: PgCert Research Methods

 Facilitated by: Andy Guppy


 4c - Invited workshop: Is Social Media for you? A fun introduction for researchers and educators

 Facilitated by Peter Godwin


 4d - Invited workshop: Research Students Support Group

Group 1

  Part 1 - A collective & collaborative 'think' session

  Part 2 - Turning words into action: effecting change


 4e - Invited workshop: Research Students Support Group

Group 2

  Part 1 - A collective & collaborative 'think' session

  Part 2 - Turning words into action: effecting change

13:00 14:00 Lunch
14:00 15:30 Parallel Session 5
     5a - Staff Teaching and Learning Presentations
     5b - Staff Teaching and Learning Presentations
     5c - Staff Teaching and Learning Presentations

 5d - UoB 2012-17 Strategic Plan Workshop

 Facilitated by: Mark Atlay

  • Student and graduate networks and communities
  • High-impact learning technologies
15:30 16:00 Refreshment Break
16:00 17:00 Plenary 3 - Outcomes and Impacts
     Plans for future work from the Workshops

 Pedagogy as a Research Area: Using 21 Century Research Tools

 Presented by: Marilyn Leask


 Closing presentation

 Prof. Carsten Maple, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research and Enterprise)

17:00 17:30

Exhibition Prizes

 Presented by Prof. Les Ebdon, Vice Chancellor

Closing Social Drinks Event

Throughout Day 1 and Day 2


Poster Exhibition


Registration is open