Professor Joe Bloggs

Senior Lecturer and Course coordinator in Nutritional Sciences


Joe Bloggs

I passionately believe that the realities of our contemporary world and its challenges and problems make marine and food science two of the most important areas within all of the sciences.

The course units that I design and teach and my research are deeply intertwined. I have a keen interest in the mapping of mid-atlantic cod stocks and I have done groundbreaking research and published widely in this area.

I enjoy adopting a creative and innovative approach to teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate level. My course units include seminars with invited experts from the food industry and study visits to organisations such as the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the Food Standards Agency.

I am planning to retire in September 2022.

Other references


  • PhD Biochemistry - University of Leeds
  • MA Chemistry – University of Sunderland
  • BSc Hons Chemistry – Luton College of Higher Education

Teaching Expertise

  • Online mentoring tutor
  • Course leader for BSc Biochemistry
  • Leading all of the science units from level 1- 3 as well as at Masters level

Research Interests

  • Bio-rhythms of fish
  • Fish farming
  • Online mentoring


  • Fish dishes on a budget - cookery book (current)
  • Mapping of mid-atlantic cod stocks (2016-2018)
  • Mapping of Pacific red snapper stocks (2013-2015)

External Roles


  • Bloggs, J. (2021) Report on the use of pesticides in salmon farming [PDF]
  • Bloggs, J. (2021) Report on the use of fertilisers on water quality in salmon farming [PDF]
  • Bloggs, J. Perch, K., Guppy, M. and Carp S. (2020) Shark Attacks in Australia - a history
  • Bloggs, J. Shark, M. and Seal, P. (2018) A history of the Icelandic fishing industry 1250 to 2018, Bloomsbury, Oxford
  • Boggs, J., Pike, D. and Turbot, M. (2017) The Social History of the 'kipper' in the British Diet, Routledge, London
  • Bloggs, J. (2016) Teaching chemistry in Higher Education, Routledge, London.
  • Bloggs, J. (2015) Marine Conservation – Managing Atlantic Cod Stocks, Blackwell, London.
  • Bloggs, J. (2014) Teaching chemistry to pre-school children, Routledge, London.

Contact Details

T: +44 (0)1234 123333



