Frequently Asked Questions: Your Guide to Exam Information and Expectations

Image of a student studying on a computer

Find answers to all your questions, from accessing your examination timetable to understanding what to expect on the day of your exams.

(1) Exam Timetable Questions

You can access your Examination Timetable by logging into your personal timetable.

You can identify the session is an exam by the timetabled  exam is green on the timetable. 

Please note, if your timetable shows a room allocation under venue this means you are expected to attend an on-campus invigilated exam.

Please ensure you report the examination room 30 minutes prior to the start time of the exam.

Doors will close 5 minutes before the scheduled start time of the examination. 

If you are having trouble logging into your personalised timetable, please feel free to contact the SiD team at or call 0300 300 0042. They will be happy to assist you.

All exams will be conducted online through our digital exam environment, WISEflow.

  • Online Remote Exams: Many exams are “Online Remote,” meaning they can be taken off-campus in a suitable location. You will know your exam is online remote when the timetable specifies “online/remote” as the venue.
  • On-Campus Invigilated Exams: Some courses have specific regulations requiring exams to be invigilated on-site. If your timetable indicates a room (e.g., D102/103 in Luton, Training Room 1/2 in Bedford, AY105 in Aylesbury), you are expected to attend the exam in person.

Please arrive to the exam room 30 minutes before the exam start time.

Doors will CLOSE 5 minutes before the scheduled start, and late entry will not be permitted.

We strongly advise you to visit the rooms where your exams will take place in advance to familiarise yourself with the location and layout.

It is important to frequently check your exam timetable, as schedules may occasionally change at short notice due to unavoidable circumstances.

If you have any questions or issues, please contact the Examinations Office by emailing from your University of Bedfordshire email address.

In your email, please include:

  • Your Name
  • Student ID number
  • The title and code of the unit you are missing

A member of the exams team will respond to you promptly.

Please note that timetables may occasionally change at short notice due to unavoidable circumstances. It is important to frequently check your exam schedule to stay informed.

It is the responsibility of all students to ensure they can attend their exams.

This includes arranging transport, checking the time, date, and location on the exam timetable, and avoiding scheduling holidays during the exam period.

However, if you are unable to attend due to mitigating circumstances, such as illness, please apply to the Mitigation team. If there is an exceptional reason why you cannot attend on a particular day, arrange an appointment with the Student Engagement team to discuss whether an exception can be made.

Under normal circumstances, exams cannot be rescheduled to suit individual preferences.

It is the responsibility of all students to ensure they can attend their exams.

This includes arranging transport, checking the time, date, and location on the exam timetable, and avoiding scheduling holidays during the exam period. Additionally, students should be available for resit exams during the published resit period if needed.

However, if you are unable to attend due to mitigating circumstances, such as illness, please apply to the Mitigation team. If there is an exceptional reason why you cannot attend on a particular day, arrange an appointment with the Student Engagement team to discuss whether an exception can be made.

We make every effort to avoid scheduling exams for individual students in consecutive time slots.

However, due to time and accommodation constraints, as well as specific requests from Examination Boards, this may occasionally be unavoidable.

Please note that the published examination timetable will only be amended to address issues, not individual preferences. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

For details on when you will be expected to complete your mitigated exam, please speak to your unit coordinator to arrange a suitable time.

Your unit coordinator will then liaise with the exam team to set up and schedule your exam, typically during the next examination period.

They will also need to see evidence that your mitigation has been approved, which you can provide by forwarding the approval email from the mitigation team to them.

We understand the importance of your queries, especially during the exam periods.

While we receive a high volume of emails, our dedicated team aims to respond within a few working days.

We appreciate your patience and rest assured, we are actively addressing any known issues and will resolve them as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

(2) Before Exams Questions

Please ensure that you have checked the exam timetable that your exam is online and not in person.

Links to access your exam are usually sent out approximately 24hours before an exam is set to sit. They will be sent to your student email address (

Sometimes these emails will be picked up by the SPAM detector so remember to check your junk folder.

You can still access your exam by logging into WISEflow directly.

Remember to click "search for your institution" and then type in Bedfordshire Then click the Microsoft button and log in with your student email address (

Follow these steps:

  1. Typing to google WISEflow log in
  2. Click log in.
  3. Click “search for your institution” and type in Bedfordshire.
  4. Click the Microsoft button and log in with your student email address (

Your password will be the same as the one you use to access BREO. If you have forgotten your password, you will need to perform a Password Reset.

If you encounter any issues with resetting your password, please contact the SiD Team at or call 0300 300 0042 to reset your account before your exam.

Please ensure that you arrive at-least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time of your on-campus exam. This is to ensure that you are ready for your exam and that you know the venue of where the examination will be taking place.

Doors will close 5 minutes before scheduled start time of the exam, e.g 8:55am for a 9am exam and 1:55pm for a 2pm exam.

Candidates arriving after this time will not be admitted into the exam room under any circumstances.

If you have arrived late, please report to the exams office and the exams team will guide you regarding your next steps.

Please note that for on-campus examinations doors will close 5 minutes before the scheduled start time of the exam (e.g., 8:55am for a 9am exam and 1:55pm for a 2pm exam).

Candidates arriving after this time will not be admitted into the exam room under any circumstances.

If you have arrived late, please report to the exams office and the exams team will guide you regarding your next steps.

If you are unable to attend due to mitigating circumstances, please apply to the Mitigation team. If there is an exceptional reason why you cannot attend on a particular day, arrange an appointment with the Student Engagement team to discuss whether an exception can be made.

Once your mitigation request has been approved, your unit coordinator will then liaise with the exam team to set up and schedule your exam, typically during the next examination period.

They will also need to see evidence that your mitigation has been approved, which you can provide by forwarding the approval email from the mitigation team to them.

You must bring your University ID card to each exam.

If you do not have your ID card, please ensure that you bring another form ID.

It is your responsibility to have the right equipment (pens, calculator, pencils etc) to enable you to take the exam.

Candidates may not take any unauthorised materials or equipment into the exam room.

What is permitted What is not allowed
  • ID or other forms of approved ID
  • Materials approved by examiner
  • Pens and pencils
  • Pencil erasers and sharpeners
  • Water in a clear unlabelled bottle
  • No revision materials or course notes
  • Any electronic devices
  • No headphones, ear plugs will be supplied by the exams team
  • Any media storage devices (USB drives)
  • Coats or headgear (except for religious purposes)
  • Dictionaries or books
  • Paper for rough work as it will be supplied by the exams team.
  • Staplers or tape
  • Carbonated drinks or food that has not been approved

Electronic devices such as mobile phones, smart watches, ear/headphones or other forms of electronic communication are not permitted to be used in examinations under any circumstances.

Please ensure that all your electronic devices are fully switched off and are in your bag before you enter the exam room.

You may use a permitted non-programmable calculator unless informed otherwise. Mobile phone calculators are not allowed.

Please ensure you have checked that your email and passwords are working before the examination. Make sure you know your University of Bedfordshire email address and password. The password will be the same as the one you use to access BREO. If you have forgotten your password you will need to do a Password Reset

If you encounter any issues with resetting your password, please contact the SiD Team at or call 0300 300 0042 to reset your account before you're due to take your exam.

No food or drink may be taken into the examination room, except for water in a clear bottle without any labels.

Medication can only be brought in the examination room with prior approval from the exams team (this should be done at the exams office before the start of the exam).

If you are unable to attend due to mitigating circumstances, please apply to the Mitigation team. If there is an exceptional reason why you cannot attend on a particular day, arrange an appointment with the Student Engagement team to discuss whether an exception can be made. You will be asked to support your case with evidence or medical documentation from your GP, hospital or the Walk-In Centre.

Once your mitigation request has been approved, your unit coordinator will then liaise with the exam team to set up and schedule your exam, typically during the next examination period.

They will also need to see evidence that your mitigation has been approved, which you can provide by forwarding the approval email from the mitigation team to them.

You need to contact the Health and Wellbeing team to ensure this support is in place for your examination.

There’s an application deadline before each of the main exam periods; the deadline is 6 working weeks before the exam period.

You must meet with a Health & Well-being Advisor to discuss your needs. You will need to provide acceptable evidence.

Appointments in the week before the deadline get very busy so please contact the Health & Well-being Team early. Arrangements may include things such as having additional time, a scribe or a reader, or having a separate exam room.

If you have an access agreement in place which includes additional time, this will be added to your exam time in the exam system WISEflow by the exams team.

All students with additional access exam arrangements are advised to report to Exam Team Office at least half an hour before the start of their on-campus exams.

The exam team will then inform you where you will be sitting your exam.

For any questions regarding access arrangements, please contact the disability team at

The exams team usually send out a practice exam for all students taking an examination before the examination period.

You can also access "Demo exams" in the flow overview page in WISEflow. Utilise the instruction guides to practice converting, uploading files, and submitting them before your actual exam.

You can find demo flows at the bottom of your list of exams/assignments on the participation tab. By practicing you will be able to test connectivity. Ensure you select the correct type of FLOW that matches your exam.

  • FLOWassign: Test the upload of a PDF-based assignment without needing a lockdown browser.
  • FLOWmulti: Experiment with various interactive question types and ensure the lockdown browser is correctly installed (requires pre-installation of the lockdown browser). Starting this demo will close all running programs on your computer.
  • FLOWmulti – Advanced: Engage with a set assignment featuring advanced interactive questions (no lockdown browser required). This can be customized with more relevant question types for your institution.
  • FLOWlock: Write an assignment within the lockdown browser. You can also test the webcam, drawing tool, and other available tools (starting this demo will close all running programs on your computer).

(3) During Exams Questions

Please ensure that you have attempted to log into WISEflow first, to check if your exam is available there.

Links to access your exam are usually sent out approximately 24 hours before the exam is scheduled. These links will be sent to your student email address (

Sometimes these emails may be filtered into your spam folder, so please remember to check there as well.

If you still cannot find the email, rest assured, you can access your exam by logging into WISEflow directly. Follow these steps:

  1. Typing to google WISEflow log in
  2. Click log in.
  3. Click “search for your institution” and type in Bedfordshire.
  4. Click the Microsoft button and log in with your student email address (

Your password will be the same as the one you use to access BREO. If you have forgotten your password, you will need to perform a Password Reset.

If you encounter any issues with resetting your password, please contact the SiD Team at or call 0300 300 0042 to reset your account before your exam.

Candidates must remain silent from the moment they enter the examination room until the exam concludes and they have exited the room. While in the exam venue, students must listen to the invigilator and follow all instructions given.

Coats, hats, bags, and similar items should be left in the designated area, typically at the front or rear of the venue. Coats cannot be hung on the back of chairs, and hats must be removed.

Candidates should sit in their assigned seats and place their ID cards prominently in the top corner of the desk with the photograph facing up.

Inform the senior invigilator immediately if:

  • You cannot hear or see any announced passwords.
  • You are having trouble accessing the online examination environment on PC
  • The question paper does not load correctly on your laptop.
  • Your laptop loses its internet connection, freezes, or crashes.
  • You need paper for rough work or drawing complex diagrams.
  • You feel unwell.
  • You encounter a problem and are unsure what to do.

During the on-campus exams, the exam invigilators will pass around the official note paper that you may use for your rough work. Please ensure you write your student ID number on the note paper and your seat number.

Please note, that that note paper is NOT submitted and all examination answers should be written in the WISEflow system.

Please ensure that you have no notes on your person, in your pockets or in your pencil case. It is an assessment offence to have any unauthorised material with you during an examination, and if found with any notes (in paper or electronic format) the incident will be considered an assessment offence.

If you feel unwell during the examination, you must notify the invigilator. They will decide on the best course of action to take and contact the Exams Office accordingly. Please raise your hand to attract the attention of an invigilator if you require a toilet break or medical assistance.

You MUST contact as soon as possible to alert the team of your issue.

This must be done during your exam and not after the upload deadline, the Exams team cannot offer support after this time.

When you email the exams team you need to include as much of the following information as possible to allow the team to look into your issue (Please send the email from your University of Bedfordshire email address where you are able):

  • Full Name (As stated on your ID card)
  • Student ID Number
  • Unit Code
  • Course
  • Location of Study

Once your email has been received a member of our team will reach out to you to offer support.

Please try not to panic, all exams have an additional 30 minutes included into their run time which is there to allow for technical issues to be resolved during the exam.

For students taking exams on site, in the event of an emergency evacuation, you must follow the instructions of the senior invigilator at all times. You will be required to file out in an orderly fashion. Do not speak or communicate with other students.

If you are seen to be speaking to colleagues this may result in an accusation of cheating made against you. Wherever possible examinations will reconvene following an emergency evacuation. Examiners will be notified of the disruption to examinations. The University will ensure that the relevant exam boards are aware of the disruption. You are not required to take any further action.

In the event of severe weather such as snow, candidates are required to check their examination timetable and the main University website for updates and further instructions. Candidates are advised to make every effort to attend examinations unless instructed otherwise. Examination sessions will recommence as soon as possible after the disruption.

For students taking exams remotely, if you are impacted by an emergency that causes disruption to your exam please inform the team as soon as possible at and they will provide you details of the next steps.

Students are not allowed to leave the examination room within the first or last hour of the examination other than for medical reasons and they must be accompanied by an invigilator at all times if they intend to return to the examination.

Candidates must show the invigilator the contents of their pockets before leaving their desk and will be supervised at all times while not in the exam room. Students will be checked for writing on their arms/legs if visible.

Once your writing time concludes, promptly begin uploading your final answers into WISEflow and submit them before the deadline.

If you encounter any technical issues; please report any technical problems to the exams team at as soon as possible during your exam.

WISEflow submission overview

Please note that we can view logs to verify student activity, and any issues encountered.

Fill in a coversheet (if required), and click the ‘Click here to submit’ button before the participation period ends.

'Go to submissions' button on WISEflow.

Once you have submitted, click ‘Return to Wiseflow’ or ‘Close Browser’ and ‘Click here to return to the flow page’ on the pop-up message boxes.

WISEflow submission & request receipt

This will take you to your flow page to show a timestamp of your submission. You can click the ‘Request receipt’ button to have a submission receipt emailed to you.

(4) After Exams Questions

Any lost property left in the examination room will be returned to the exams office. You should be able to collect any lost property from the exam office after your examination.

If you are unable to attend due to mitigating circumstances, please apply to the Mitigation team. If there is an exceptional reason why you cannot attend on a particular day, arrange an appointment with the Student Engagement team to discuss whether an exception can be made.

Once you mitigation has been approved, your unit coordinator will then liaise with the exam team to set up and schedule your exam, typically during the next examination period.

They will also need to see evidence that your mitigation has been approved, which you can provide by forwarding the approval email from the mitigation team to them.

If mitigation is not granted you can make an appeal once a result has been given by the academic scheme board. Details of how to do this can be found on our appeals webpage. For support in making an appeal we advise you contact the Students’ Union advice team at Here you can get advice on your appeal and support in gathering evidence/writing your appeal.

This is controlled by the academic faculty and the course team. If you have a question about how your exam will be marked/when you will receive feedback please contact your unit tutor directly.

If you are unhappy with the official grades, you may wish to:

  • Make an appeal

you can make an appeal once a result has been given by the academic scheme board. Details of how to do this can be found on our appeals webpage. For support in making an appeal we advise you contact the Students’ Union advice team at Here you can get advice on your appeal and support in gathering evidence/writing your appeal.

  • Request feedback

Please speak to your unit lead if you would like to discuss feedback once you have received your official grades. This will then be released through WISEflow.

You can resit an exam under the following circumstances:

  1. If you have failed a main exam and are given an opportunity to sit a capped or uncapped resit.
  2. If you have applied for mitigation and it has been approved.
  3. If you have made an academic appeal and the decision was upheld, allowing you to sit a capped or uncapped resit.

If you fall into the first category, we will typically identify your need to resit and schedule the exam for you.

If you fall into categories 2 or 3, please contact your unit coordinator or programme administrator for further assistance.

Haven't found an answer to your question?

If you have not found the answer to your exams question here, please email with your student ID number, Unit code/title and Location of study (Course). A member of our team will be happy to assist you.


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