
Higher Education: The Changing Landscape – Current and Future Trends

Wednesday 15th June 2016  - Bedford campus

09.30 – 10.00


10.00 – 10.15

Arrival & Welcome

Professor Helen Bailey

Executive Dean of Partnerships

10.15 – 11.00

Key Note Address 1

Carys Fisher, Policy Executive UCAS: Understanding the implications of qualification reform

11.00 – 11.15

Open Address

Mr Bill Rammell, Chief Executive & Vice Chancellor

The University of Bedfordshire

11.15 – 11.30


Workshops - morning

11.30 -12.30

1. Routes to and into Education

2. Collaborative Network - Futures Scheme: Nikita Hayden 

3. Bedford Creative Arts - Cultural Enrichment for UCAS: Kayte Judge  

4. Student Journey: current and graduated students

5. Higher Education Access Tracker - How the data can help you!: Dr Lucy Bailey, HEAT Central Team

12.30 – 13.15


Workshops - afternoon

13.15 -14.15

1. Routes to and into Health & Social Care

2. Maths Enrichment and Resilience: Kirstin Coldwell

3. Technology in Teaching: Antony Stockford NOW FULL

4. Student Loans Company: Ben Rutter

5. National Citizen Service: Jamie Bather

14.15 – 14.45

Refreshments and networking

14.45 – 15.30

Key Note Address 2

Sally Manser, Head of Royal Opera House Bridge Programme

15.30 – 15.45


Session Information – morning

  • Routes in to: Q & A panel of staff/professionals for teachers and careers advisers to ask questions and routes in to Education career paths.
  • Collaborative Network: session outlining the successful projects ran by the Bedfordshire and Milton  Keynes Collaborative Network.
  • Cultural Enrichment for UCAS: workshop presented by Bedford Creative Arts, exploring educational cultural opportunities – linking with network partners and project work run by the University Access and Outreach Team.
  • Student Journey: understanding the nature and diversity of the student journey and experience of Higher Education – delivered by students and graduates.
  • Higher Education Access Tracker: session run by the H.E.A.T. Hub Officer based at the University of Bedfordshire.  Presenting the reporting and data that can be shared with individual institutions and the benefit to them.

Session Information – afternoon

  • Routes in to: Q & A panel of staff/professionals for teachers and careers advisers to ask questions and routes in to Health and Social Care career paths.
  • Maths Resilience: session exploring activities and attitudes which can enable students to access the maths they need to fulfil their aspirations.
  • Technology in Teaching: exploring technology in teaching and incorporating in to lessons and how it impacts education.
  • Student Loans Company: session presented by Ben Rutter from SLC.
  • NCS: in collaboration with local NCS provider.


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