YRAP resources
'What is CS?' - a workbook for practitioners and young people to support understanding of Contextual Safeguarding
What is Contextual Safeguarding and how this be explained to young people? This resource has been developed with the YRAP (Young Researcher’s Advisory Panel), Safer Young Lives Research Centre at the University of Bedfordshire and designed by Meera Shakti Osborne.
Aimed to support professionals in to have discussions about harm outside of home and introduce Contextual Safeguarding approaches to young people, this resource also has tips and advice for young people and a section where they can write down their own reflections on their safety in different contexts.
The YRAP explained:
"Our vision is that the resource will be filled out by the child with help from their safe adult to help think through safety in different spaces. This pack will then be part of their own personal care package with lots of information about their context and ways that others can support them in making them feel safe and protected.
Having an artist make our vision come to life gives it a personal touch and we understand that as young people when we are handed a piece of paper or a pack and it doesn't feel relatable, accessible and frankly looks quite boring and corporate it is hard to feel like you are being understood and it's difficult to engage with the information you are being given.
Her art is powerful and depicts people of all walks of life, we wanted the young people to see themselves in the design and relate to it."
Please see the following resources :
Contextual Safeguarding Digital Resource - Full Web Version [PDF]
Contextual Safeguarding Digital Resource - Mini Web Version [PDF]
Contextual Safeguarding Digital Resource - Mini Print Version [PDF]
Other YRAP Resources
Participation as protective - infographic - Web version [JPG]
Participation as protective - infographic - Print version [JPG]
YRAP members designed an infographic with artist Zuhura Plummer to show how young people's participation in research and services can be protective at an individual level and for young people more widely.
At the IASWG (International Association for Social Work with Groups) virtual symposium in June 2021, we presented our work on the risks, challenges and benefits of participatory groupwork with young people affected by sexual violence.
Four of our YRAP members share some thoughts about their motivations and hopes for the YRAP.
Ideas for the development of participatory group work
to address sexual violence with young people.
YRAP members helped create these comic postcards with the Alexi Project, sharing 10 key principles for working with young people affected by CSE.
Safer Young Lives Research Centre
Institute of Applied Social Research
University of Bedfordshire
University Square