Safer Young Lives is part of the Institute of Applied Social Research


Summary of Research Findings

We have summarised some of the headlines from completed research projects from 2011-2016 in this powerpoint presentation, which will be updated at regular intervals as new work is finished.

A Briefing for Inspectorates

This briefing has been designed to inform the development of the Joint Targeted Area Inspections by Ofsted, HMIC, HMIP and the CQC.

Briefings for the National Policing Lead for Child Protection and Abuse Investigations

These three research papers were commissioned by Chief Constable Simon Bailey, the National Policing Lead for Child Protection and Abuse Investigation, to provide him with evidence for consideration in the development of a National Policing Safeguarding Action plan.  


Safer Young Lives Research Centre
Institute of Applied Social Research
University of Bedfordshire
University Square