Safer Young Lives is part of the Institute of Applied Social Research

Small steps can make a big difference (Albania)

‘Small steps can make a big difference (Albania)’: participatory action research on young people’s experiences of seeking justice and support in Albania in relation to sexual violence.

The ‘Small steps can make a big difference (Albania)’ project engages a small group of young people with lived experience of sexual violence in participatory action research on seeking justice and support in Albania in relation to sexual violence. Funded by Porticus Foundation, the project is a cooperation between the Safer Young Lives Research Centre and ‘Different and Equal’ (D&E), a local NGO that provides high quality services to victims of trafficking and sexual violence in Albania. The project will be implemented between 1 July 2020 and 21 December 2021 with the following main goals:

  • To generate youth-informed evidence on young people’s experiences in the criminal justice and victim protection systems in relation to sexual violence in Albania;
  • To promote child-friendly and victim-centred policy and practice development in Albania;
  • To develop ethical and participatory approaches to sexual violence research with young people and to gain a better understanding of the potential benefits of such approaches for participants.

For queries about this project, please contact Dr Silvie Bovarnick at

For more information, see


Safer Young Lives Research Centre
Institute of Applied Social Research
University of Bedfordshire
University Square