Sustainability Steering Group

The University of Bedfordshire conducts a sustainability steering group meeting every two months throughout the calendar year, the membership of this meeting includes key stakeholders from the University. Our sustainability policies & strategies are opened up to stakeholder consultation.


Name Role in Group
Andrew Church (Vice Chancellors Executive Group) Chair
Alistair Brug Broqure Senior Management Representative
Martin Thurlow UNISON - Public Service Union
Diana Pritchard (Principal Curriculum Developer, CLE) Curriculum development
Adam Higgin (Head of Sustainability, Estates) Convening and distribution of papers
Dr Helen Connolly (Sociology) Faculty Representative - Health and Social Sciences (HSS)
Ulrika Meegolla Head of Corporate Communications
Vice Chancellors Executive Management Group Member
Dr Mohamed Saeudy (Accounting and Finance) Faculty Representative - Bedfordshire Business School (UBBS)

Terms of Reference

  1. To represent the key University of Bedfordshire stakeholders, co-ordinating and strengthening synergies between their corresponding sustainability activities.
  2. To oversee the implementation of the Sustainability Strategy and Environment Policy.
  3. To identify and propose future strategic directions.
  4. To review progress in the Green League and propose actions associated with it and other matrices.
  5. To capture and respond to feedback on sustainability issues raised by sectors of the University community.
  6. To review the Environmental Management Systems (EMS) processes and procedures, and to have an oversight on the implementation and continued development and improvement of the Eco-Campus EMS.

If you have any contribution to make to the sustainability agenda, please contact a member of the steering group or contact the group via Adam Higgin on 01582 743 835.

Green Impact Students' Unions 2022-23 Fair Trade logo  Eco Campus Platinum Award for Environmental Management SystemPeople & Planet League - 3rd place 2023/24