Mitigating Circumstances

Please note that mitigating circumstances applications (including all relevant evidence/information) for assessments going through the Semester 1/Semester 3 Resit Exam Boards were accepted until 17.00 (UK local time) Monday 23 December 2024. This deadline has now passed.

If we do not receive all the information we need to make a decision by this time we will not be able to consider your application.

You will then have to wait for your results to be released and if you wish to appeal the Exam Board decision you will need to make a formal academic appeal to the Student Adjudication Team by emailing

Further information on appeals can be found at Academic appeals. Please note there is a deadline for lodging a formal academic appeal. Details are on the above website.

What is Mitigating Circumstances?

During the course of study you may experience exceptional unforeseen short term circumstances which are outside your control and might have a detrimental effect on your studies.

Students can apply for support with extension or reassessments for assignments and/or exams based on unforeseen circumstances, this is called applying for mitigating circumstances.

In general terms, mitigating circumstances must be:

  1. Significant (they have more than a minor impact on you)
  2. Unexpected (you must have had no prior knowledge of the event)
  3. Unpreventable (there was no reasonable steps you could have taken to prevent the event)
  4. Relevant (you must be able to link the timing of the event to the impact on your study including ability to submit work or sit an exam for the period in which the application is being made).

At the University of Bedfordshire this is called applying for Mitigating Circumstances.

Academic staff cannot give permission for extensions or reassessment opportunities for assessments or exams.

The only team who can grant mitigating circumstances awards are the Student Engagement and Mitigation (SEAM) team within Student Support.

Clicking this card will take you to /media/amhparun/mitigation-policy-updated-may-2024.pdf
Clicking this card will take you to /media/nb4iiktr/mitigating-circumstances-application-form-feb-2024.docx
Clicking this card will take you to /student-support/mitigation/guide-to-mitigation/
Clicking this card will take you to /student-support/student-engagement/


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