Innovation in Manufacturing, Aerospace and Green Economy (IMAGE)

This programme is now closed. However, we can offer similar type of support through a number of other initiatives.
Please get in touch with us to discuss your needs.
Innovation in Manufacturing, Aerospace and Green Economy (IMAGE) project was designed to promote SME investment in research and innovation, as well as encourage engagement between the business community and research institutions.
This EU funded programme was set up in partnership with Cranfield University and was open to eligible businesses in the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) area, focusing on R&D support for cutting edge technology development.
We connected SMEs to the research base through a series of targeted programmes, IMAGE catalysed innovation and growth, aligning with the strengths of the technology base, SEMLEP’s priorities and the Government’s “Smart Specialisation” strategy.
The benefits included access to world-class research facilities, such as Prototyping, demonstration services, as well as product and technology development, through the use of leading academic expertise and grant funding.
Throughout this project, we have:
- Provided expert consultancy to 52 businesses
- Awarded 39 grants, totalling £489,400