Sports Performance and Biomechanics

About us
Performance sport strives to increase participants' fitness capabilities year on year in an attempt to create more competitive/winning athletes. This is exemplified by the recent surge in success in UK sport, particularly around Olympic sports.
One of the fundamental reasons for this success has been the implementation of scientifically rigorous training programmes to maximize the physical ability of many performers.
However, the downside of this push for ever greater improvement has been an increase in the likelihood of athlete injury/illness as the limits to what sports performers are capable of achieving are approached.
The aim of this research group is to investigate the efficacy of training modalities to deliver the physical changes athletes require, while limiting the potential negative impact on injury and illness likelihood.
Staff Members
- Dr Iain Fletcher (SIG Lead)
- Dr Jeffrey Aldous
- Dr Laura Charalambous
- Dr Rebecca Jones (nee Stannard)
- Dr Andrew Mitchell
- Dr Martyn Morris
- Dr Joanna Richards
- Dr Cheryl Barford
PhD Students
- Jack Griffiths The effect of extreme environments on physical performance and cognitive function during simulated team sport exercise.
- Jake Scott The effect of practical cooling strategies during intermittent team sports in the heat
- Evaluating Cold Environmental Conditions Influence on Athletic and Respiratory Performance in Soccer.
- Abigail Mae Saunders Underpinning the Cardiac Morphology of the Resistance Trained Heart
- Chris Long An investigation of the kinetic and kinematic variables related to stability within invasion game players
- Diana Soares Biomechanical Feedback to enhance Balance and Stability in an Ageing Population
MSc by Research Students
- Charlotte Murphy Practical Cooling Manoeuvres During Simulated
- Soccer in the Heat
- Emily Bousfield Athletes and coaches perceptions of the use of pre and per-cooling in endurance sports.
- Ross Endersby: A Kinetic, Kinematic and Muscle Activity Analysis during a Simulated Rugby Union Tackle Protocol
- Lauren Howard The relationship between functional performance test results and frontal plane knee movement in cyclists
- George Maddams: Kinematic and muscle activation differences between a range of posterior and hip dominant resistance exercises.
Recent papers
- Jones, R.L., Barnett, C.T., Davidson, J., Maritza, B., Fraser, W.D., Harris, R.C., Sale, C. (2017). β-alanine supplementation improves in-vivo fresh and fatigued muscle relaxation speed. European Journal of Physiology, 117 (5), 867-879. DOI: 10.1007/s00421-017-3569-1
- Jones, R.L., Stellingwerff, T., Artioli, G.G., Saunders, B., Cooper, S.B., Sale, C. (2016). The dose-response to sodium bicarbonate ingestion highlights the need for individuality in supplementation. IJSNEM, 26, (5), 445-453. DOI: 10.1123/ijsnem.2015-0286
- Hannah, R., Stannard, R.L., Minshull, C., Artioli, G.G., Harris, R.C., Sale, C. (2015). β-alanine Supplementation Enhances Human Skeletal Muscle Relaxation Speed but Not Force Production Capacity. J Appl Physiol, 118 (5), 604-612. DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00991.2014
- Coull, N. A., Watkins, S. L., Aldous, J. W. F., Warren, L. K., Chrismas, B. C., Dascombe, B., Mauger, A. R., Abt, G. & Taylor, L. (2015). Effect of tyrosine ingestion on cognitive and physical performance utilising an intermittent soccer performance test (iSPT) in a warm environment. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 115,(2), 373-386.
- Aldous, J. W. F., Chrismas, B. C. R., Akubat, I., Stringer, C. A., Abt, G., & Taylor, L. (2019). Mixed-methods pre-match cooling improves simulated soccer performance in the heat. European journal of sport science, 19(2), 156-165.
- Aldous, J. W. F., Chrismas, B. C. R., Akubat, I., Dascombe, B., Abt, G. & Taylor, L. (2016). Hot and hypoxic environments inhibit simulated soccer performance and exacerbate performance decrements when combined. Frontiers in Physiology, 6(421) 1-14.
- Aldous, J. W. F., Akubat, I., Chrismas, B. C. R., Watkins, S. L., Mauger, A. R., Midgley, A. W., Abt, G. & Taylor, L. (2014). The reliability and validity of a soccer-specific non-motorised treadmill simulation (Intermittent Soccer Performance Test). Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 28,(7), 1971-1980.
- Beaumont, A., Hough, J., Sculthorpe, N. & Richards, J. (2016). Left ventricular twist mechanics during incremental cycling and knee extension exercise in healthy men. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 117, 139–150.
- Maloney, S. J., Richards, J., Nixon, D. G. D., Harvey, C. J. & Fletcher, I. M. (2017). Do stiffness asymmetries predict change of direction performance? Journal of Sports Science, 35, 544-556.
- Maloney, S. J., Richards, J., Nixon, D. G. D., Harvey, C. J. & Fletcher, I. M. (2016). Vertical stiffness asymmetries during drop jumping are related to ankle stiffness asymmetries. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. Published online March 2016. Doi:10.1111/sms.12682
- Maloney, S. J., Fletcher, I. M. & Richards, J. (2016). A comparison of methods to determine bilateral asymmetries in vertical stiffness. Journal of Sports Science, 34, 829-835
- Maloney, S. J., Fletcher, I. M. & Richards, J. (2015). Reliability of unilateral vertical leg stiffness measures assessed during bilateral hopping. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 31, 285-291
- Mauger, A. R., Huntley, T. & Fletcher, I. M. (2014). RPE-derived work rates can be accurately produced without external feedback or reference to RPE scale. Perceptual Motor Skill, 118, 507-521
- Taylor, L., Fitch, N., Castle, P., Watkins, S., Aldous, J. W. F., Sculthorpe, N., Midgely, A., Brewer, J. & Mauger, A. (2014). Exposure to hot and cold environmental conditions does not affect the decision making ability of soccer referees following an intermittent sprint protocol. Frontiers in Physiology, 5(185), 1-9.
- Watkins, S. L., Castle, P., Mauger, A. R., Sculthorpe, N., Fitch, N., Aldous, J. W. F., Brewer, J., Midgley, A. W. & Taylor, L. (2014). The effect of different environmental conditions on the decision-making performance of soccer goal line officials. Research in Sports Medicine, 22,(4), 425-37.
- Beaumont, A., Grace, F., Richards, J., Hough, J., Oxborough, D. & Sculthorpe, N. (2016) Left ventricular speckle tracking-derived cardiac strain and cardiac twist mechanics in athletes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled studies. Sports Medicine, doi 10.1007/s40279-016-0644-4.
- Charalambous, L, Lieres und Wilkau, H. C., Potthast, W. & Irwin, G. (In press). The effects of artificial surface temperature on mechanical properties and player kinematics during landing and acceleration. Journal of Sport and Health Science.
- Charalambous, L., Lieres und Wilkau, H. C., Potthast, W. & Irwin, G (2016). The effects of artificial surface temperature on mechanical properties and player kinematics during landing and acceleration. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 5(6), 355-60.
- Fletcher, I. M. & Bagley, A. (2014). Changing the stability conditions in a back squat: the effect on maximum load lifted and erector spinae muscle activity. Sports Biomechanics, 13, 380-390.
- Johnstone, J. A., Hughes, G., Ford, P. A., Watson, T., Mitchell, A. C. S. & Garrett, A.T. (2014). The athletic profile of fast bowling in cricket: A review. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28(5), 1465-73.
- Maloney, SJ & Fletcher IM (2018) Lower limb stiffness testing in athletic performance: a critical review. Sports Biomechanics. Published online May 2018
- Maloney, S. J., Turner, A. T. & Fletcher, I. M. (2014). Ballistic Exercise as a Pre-Activation Stimulus: A Review of the Literature and Practical Applications. Sports Medicine, 44, 1347-1359.
- Richardson, A. K., Mitchell, A. C. S., & Hughes, G. (2016). The effect of dimple error on the horizontal launch angle and side spin of the golf ball during putting. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35, 224-230.
- Richardson, A. K., Mitchell, A. C. S. & Hughes, G. (2015). Reliability of an experimental method to analyse the impact point on a golf ball during putting. Sports Biomechanics, 14(2), 206-215.
- Thain, P. K., Hughes, G. T., Mitchell, A. C. S. (2016). The effect of repetitive ankle perturbations on muscle reaction time and muscle activity. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 30, 184–190.
- Thain, P. K., Bleakley, C. M., Mitchell, A. C. S. (2015). Muscle Reaction Time During a Simulated Lateral Ankle Sprain After Wet-Ice Application or Cold-Water Immersion. Journal of Athletic Training, 50(7), 697-703.
- Wells, J.E.T., Mitchell, A.C.S., Charalambous, L. & Fletcher, I.M. (2016) Relationship between vertical ground reaction force variables & clubhead speed in highly skilled golfers. Int J Golf Sci. 5, S74
- Wells, J. E. T., Mitchell, A. C. S., Charalambous, L. H. & Fletcher, I. M. (2018). Relationships between highly skilled golfers' clubhead velocity and force producing capabilities during vertical jumps and an isometric mid-thigh pull. Journal of Sports Sciences, 4, 1-5.
- Bedford, S, Robbins, D & Fletcher I (2018) Effects of active warm-up & warm-up massage on agility, perceived exertion & flexibility in tennis players. J Med Sci Tennis. 23: 16-24
- Maloney, SJ, Richards, J, Jelly, L and Fletcher, IM (2019) Unilateral stiffness interventions augment vertical stiffness & change of direction speed. J Strength Cond Res. 33: 372-379
- Wells, J., Charalambous, L., Mitchell, A., Coughlan, D., Brearley, S., Hawkes, R., Murray, A., Hillman, R. & Fletcher, I. (2019) Relationship between challenge-tour golfers’ clubhead velocity & force producing capabilities during a countermovement jump & isometric mid-thigh pull. J Sport Sci. 12: 1381-1386
- Chrismas, B.C.R., Fletcher, I. & Hogben, P. (2020) Changes in peak force output, rate of force development, and jump performance across a full season in elite English rugby union players. Sport Performance & Science Reports. Published online
- Wells, J. E., Mitchell, A. C., Charalambous, L. H., & Fletcher, I. M. (2020). Relationships Between Highly Skilled Golfers' Clubhead Velocity and Vertical Ground Reaction Force Asymmetry During Vertical Jumps and an Isometric Midthigh Pull. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 34(10), 2824-2831.
- O’Leary, T., Morris, M.G., Collett, J and Howells, K.F.H (2014) Reliability of single and paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation in the vastus lateralis muscle. Muscle Nerve, 52(4), pp605-15.
- O'Leary, T., Morris, M.G., and Collett, J (2014). High but not moderate intensity fatiguing cycling increases short-interval intracortical inhibition. Journal of Sport Sciences, Vol. 32, Suppl. 2, s4–s7,
- Gibbons, B.,O'Leary, T.J., Jakeman, J.R., and Morris, M.G. (2015). The effect of nitrate supplementation on muscle contractile characteristics following a high intensity. Journal of Sports Sciences. 33, Supplement 1, s68–s71,
- O'Leary, T., Morris, M.G., Collett, J and Howells K. (2015). Central and peripheral fatigue following non-exhaustive and exhaustive exercise of disparate metabolic demands. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports. doi: 101111/sms.12582
- Thomas, A.G., Dennis, A., Rawlings, N.B., Stagg, C.J., Matthews, L., Morris, M.G., Kolind, S., Foxley, S., Jenkinson, M., Nichols, T.E., Dawes, H., Bandettini, P.A., and Johansen-Borg, H. (2016). Multi-modal characterization of rapid anterior hippocampal volume increase associated with aerobic exercise. NeuroImage,131, pp162-70.
- Lloyd Jones, M. C., Morris, M., & Jakeman, J. R. (2017). Impact of time and work:rest ratio matched sprint interval training programmes on performance: A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 20(11), 1034-1038.
- O'Leary, T., Collett, J., Howells, K., & Morris, M. (2017). High but not moderate-intensity endurance training increases pain tolerance: a randomised trial. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 117(11), 2201-2210.
- O'Leary, T. J., Collett, J., Howells, K., & Morris, M. (2017). Endurance capacity and neuromuscular fatigue following high- vs moderate-intensity endurance training: A randomized trial. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 27(12), 1648-1661.
- Weedon, B., Liu, F., Mahmoud, W., Metz, R., Beunder, K., Delextrat, A., Morris, M., Esser, P., Collett, J., Meaney, A., Howells, K., & Dawes, H. (2018). The relationship of gross upper and lower limb motor competence to measures of health and fitness in adolescents aged 13–14 years. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine , 4(1), [ e000288].
- Retortillo-Garcia, S., Gacto, M., O’Leary, T.0., Noon, M., Hristovski, R., Balague, N and Morris, M.G. (2019). Cardiorespiratory coordination reveals training-specific physiological adaptations. European Journal of Applied Physiology DOI: 10.1007/s00421-019-04160-3
- Boat, R., Morris, M., & Duncan, M. (2020). Effects of exercise intensity on anticipation timing performance during a cycling task at moderate and vigorous intensities in children aged 7-11 years. European Journal of Sport Science, 20(4),
- Duncan, M., Rowlands, A., Lawson, C., Leddington Wright, S., Hill, M., Morris, M., Eyre, E., & Tallis, J. (2020). Using accelerometry to classify physical activity intensity in older adults: What is the optimal wear-site? European Journal of Sport Science, 20(8), 1131-1139.
Books and Book Chapters
- Saunders, B., Artioli, G.G., Dolan, E., Jones, R.L., Matthews, J., Sale, C. (2021) Biochemistry of Buffering Capacity and Ingestion of Buffers in Exercise and Athletic Performance in book: The Routledge Handbook on Biochemistry of Exercise
Recent conference presentations
- Long, C., Daggett, L., Fletcher, I., Mitchell, A. & Charalambous, L. (2018). Effects of inter-positional anthropometric factors on balance & stability research in elite rugby union players. BASES Annual Conference
- Jones, R.L., Stellingwerff, T., Swinton, P., Artioli, G.G. and Sale, C. (2016). Warm-up intensity does not influence the beneficial effect of sodium bicarbonate ingestion on cycling performance. International Sport and Exercise Nutrition Conference (abstract: IJSNEM, 27, S1-S20. DOI: 10.1123/ijsnem.27.s1).
- Jones, R.L., Stellingwerff, T., Swinton, P., Artioli, G.G. and Sale, C. (2016). Sodium bicarbonate ingestion improves cycling performance, irrespective of single or split dose ingestion. International Sport and Exercise Nutrition Conference (abstract: IJSNEM, 27, S1-S20. DOI: 10.1123/ijsnem.27.s1).
- Stannard, R.L., Cooper, S., Sale, C. (2015). The dose-response to sodium bicarbonate ingestion highlights the need for individuality in supplementation. British Association of Sport and Exercise Science research conference.
- Stannard, R.L., Hannah, R., Minshull, C., Artioli, G.G., Harris, R.C., Sale, C. (2015). Effects of β-Alanine Supplementation on Human Skeletal Muscle Contractile Properties and Voluntary Muscle Performance. ACSM Annual Meeting. 1282 Board #75 May 28. (abstract: MSSE. 47 (5 Sup 1), 336-337. DOI: 10.1249/01.mss.0000477334.63406.fe).
- Stannard, R.L., Barnett, T.C., Davidson, J., Maritza, B., Fraser, W.D., Harris, R.C., Sale, C. (2016). β-alanine supplementation improves in-vivo fresh and fatigued muscle relaxation speed. 21st Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science.
- Campbell, A., Hammond, L. & Richards, J. (2016, November). The effect of water temperature and hydrostatic pressure on recovery from exercise induced muscle damage. Poster Presentation at BASES Annual Conference, Nottingham.
- Barford, C., Fletcher, I., Richards, J. & Sculthorpe, N. (2015, September). Reliability of rehabilitative ultrasound to capture abdominal muscle thickness in different body positions in inhalation and exhalation. Paper presented at BASES Annual Conference, Leeds.
- Maloney, S. J., Richards, J., Nixon, D. J. N., Harvey, L. J. & Fletcher, I. M. (2015, August). Do Stiffness Asymmetries predict change of direction performance? Paper presented at UKSCA National Conference, Kenilworth, UK.
- Wells, J. E. T, Mitchell, A. C. S., Charalambous, L. & Fletcher, I. M. (2016, July). Relationships between vertical ground reaction force variables and clubhead speed in highly skilled golfers. Paper presented at the World Scientific Congress of Golf, St. Andrews.
- Wells, J. E. T, Mitchell, A. C. S., Charalambous, L. & Fletcher, I. M. (2016, December). Relationships between vertical ground reaction force variables and clubhead speed in highly skilled golfers and the effect of an 8 week fitness program on clubhead speed and vertical ground reaction forces in highly skilled golfers. Paper presented at the England Golf Coaching Conference, St. Georges Park
- O’Leary, T., Morris, M.G., and Collett, J (2014). High but not moderate intensity fatiguing cycling increases short-interval intracortical inhibition. BASES Annual Conference Day 1. Free Communications – Physiology and Nutrition, Journal of Sports Sciences, 32:sup2, 4-7, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2014.968371
- O’Leary, T., Morris, M.G., and Collett, J (2014). The reliability of magnetic stimulation for measurements of neuromuscular function in the knee extensors. BASES Annual Conference Day 2. Posters – Physiology and Nutrition, Journal of Sports Sciences, 32:sup2, 78-86, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2014.968399
- Gibbons, B., O'Leary, T.J., Jakeman, J.R., and Morris, M.G. (2015). The effect of nitrate supplementation on muscle contractile characteristics following a high intensity. BASES Annual Conference Day 2. Free Communications – Physiology and Nutrition. Journal of Sports Sciences. Vol. 33, Supplement 1, s68–s71,
- Morris, M. (2017). Learning To Suffer: High- But Not Moderate-intensity Training Increases Pain Tolerance: Results From A Randomised Study. Poster session presented at American College of Sports Medicine 64th Annual Meeting 8th World Congress on Exercise is Medicine, Denver, United States.
Institute for Sport & Physical Activity Research
University of Bedfordshire
Pollhill Avenue
MK41 9EA