Organ Donation and Transplant research centre (ODTC)

About us
The Organ Donation and Transplant research centre (ODTC) undertakes a range of research and stakeholder engagement activities in relation to organ donation and transplantation. The ODTC is led by Professor Randhawa who is Co-Chair of the European Working Group on Public Issues in Organ Donation and Transplantation.
- Staff have been involved in undertaking commissioned research.
- Research findings have been published nationally and internationally.
- The ODTC is regularly commissioned to undertake stakeholders' events with a range of different communities.
Policy impact – Professor Gurch Randhawa, Director, ODTC
- Chairman, Transplant 2020 Stakeholder Group – current
- National Member, National Black and Minority Ethnic Transplant Alliance - current
- Member, European Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Aspect of Transplantation Platform (ELPAT) – Public Issues in Organ Donation & Transplantation – current
- Co-Chairman, European Ethical, Legal and Psychosocial Aspect of Transplantation Platform (ELPAT) – Public Issues in Organ Donation & Transplantation, 2007-2020
- National Member, Triennial Review of NHS Blood & Transplant, Department of Health Challenge Group, 2015-2016
- International Evaluator, Bi-ennial Review of Mohan Foundation, Tata Trust, 2015-2016
- Non-Executive Director, Human Tissue Authority, 2010-2014
- Non-Executive Director, UK Transplant, 2001-2005
- National member, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges’ UK Donation Ethics Committee, 2009-2015
- National Member, Evidence Update Group – Organ Donation, NICE, 2014-2016
- National advisory member, Minister of State for Health Services’ Commissioned - Organ Donation Taskforce, Department of Health, 2006-2008
- National advisory Chair, Minister of State for Health Services’ Commissioned - Organ Donation Taskforce, Department of Health, sub-group – Cultural issues and consent models, 2007-2008
- National Member, NICE Guidelines Development Group – Organ Donation, 2012-2014
Staff Members
- Professor Gurch Randhawa, Director, ODTC
- Dr Chris Papadopoulos
- Dr Erica Cook
PhD Students
- Britzer Paul Socio-Ecological Perspective on Deceased Organ Donation from Two Diverse Regions in India
- Asmaa Abdulghani Examining Public and stakeholder views towards organ donation in Qatar
PhD Graduates
- Dr Catrin Pedder Jones A general practice intervention targeting registration on the NHS Organ Donor Register
- Dr Chloe Sharp Examining relationships between deceased organ donation, gift exchange theory and religion: perspectives of Luton Polonia
Policy Reports
Recent Grants
- NHS Blood & Transplant – Role of GP practices in organ donor registration consent rates. £30,000 2016-19. C Papadopoulos & G Randhawa.
- Department of Health/Organ Donation Taskforce Implementation Group – What are the barriers to organ donation and the factors that affect the decision of the bereaved family to give consent? £182,240 2010-12. M Sque, M Morgan, G Randhawa & A Warrens.
- NHS National Institute for Health Research – Increasing the acceptability and rates of organ donation among ethnic groups. £731,741, 2009-2013. M Morgan, R Jones, M Sque, A Grieve, T Newton, B Farsides, G Randhawa, A MCguire, J Scoble, D Banerjee, C Rudge, P Weaver.
- Department of Health/Organ Donation Taskforce Implementation Group – Promoting an improved understanding of organ donation amongst the UK’s multi-ethnic and multi-faith population: The potential contribution of Faith and Belief Leaders. £130,000 2010-12. G Randhawa & Kulwinder Kaur-Bola
- NHS Blood & Transplant – A national study examining the reasons and circumstances in which individuals make gifts and donations and exploring the relevance to increasing organ donation among the UK's multi-ethnic and multi-faith community. £130,000, 2009-2011. G Randhawa.
- Department of Health/Organ Donation Taskforce Implementation Group – Engaging UK Faith Leaders with Organ Donation. £30,000. 2009. G Randhawa.
- Randhawa G & Schicktanz S (Eds) (2013) Public Engagement in organ donation and transplantation. Pabst Science Publishers.
Recent papers
- Paul Vincent B, Randhawa G, Cook E (2020) Barriers towards organ donor registration and consent among people of Indian origin living globally: a systematic review and integrative synthesis—protocol. BMJ Open Link here
- Jones C, Papadopoulos C, Asghar Z & Randhawa G (2020) Improving access to organ donor registration in general practice – A feasibility study. British Journal of General Practice.
- Aktas M, Randhawa G, Brierley J (2020) Children, organ donation and Islam: a report of an engagement day of Islamic Scholar, young Muslims and pediatric transplant and donation professionals. Pediatric Transplantation. Archives of Disease in Childhood. doi: 10.1111/petr.13677.
- Pradeep A, Ormandy P, Augustine T, Randhawa G & Whitling M (2019) Attitudes and beliefs regarding organ donation among the South Asians in the UK. Journal of Kidney Care Link here
- Pedder-Jones C, Papadopoulos C, Randhawa G (2019) Who's opting-in? A demographic analysis of the U.K. NHS Organ Donor Register. PLoS One. 2019 Jan 2;14(1):e0209161. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0209161
- Pedder-Jones C, Papadopoulos C, Randhawa G & Asghar Z (2018) Research protocol: general practice organ donation intervention—a feasibility study. (GPOD). Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 4:171
- Molina-Pérez A, Rodríguez-Arias D, Delgado-Rodríguez J, Morgan M, Frunza M, Randhawa G, Reiger-Van de Wijdeven J, Schiks E, Wöhlke S, Schicktanz S (2018) Public knowledge and attitudes towards consent policies for organ donation in Europe. A systematic review. Transplantation Reviews Link here
- Sque M, Rodney A, Randhawa G, Walker W, Long-Sutehall T, Morgan M (2018) Bereaved donor families’ experiences of organ and tissue donation, and perceived influences on their decision making. Journal of Critical Care Link here
- Pedder-Jones C, Papadopoulos C, Randhawa G (2017) Primary care interventions to encourage organ donation registration: a systematic review. Transplantation Reviews.
- Ibrahim M & Randhawa G (2017) Knowledge, attitude and behaviour of Nigerian students towards organ donation. Transplantation Proceedings. Link here
- Randhawa G & Neuberger J (2016) The role of religion in organ donation - Development of the UK Faith and Organ Donation Action. Transplantation Proceedings. 48: 3, 689–694. doi:10.1016/j.transproceed.2015.10.074
- Sharp C & Randhawa G (2016) The potential role of social capital in deceased organ donation: A case study of UK Polish migrants. Transplant Proceedings.48:3, 680-688.doi:10.1016/j.transproceed.2015.10.063
- Sharp C & Randhawa G (2016) Death practices, attitudes toward the body after death and life after death in deceased organ donation: A UK Polish migrant perspective. Journal of Palliative Care and Medicine 6: 262. doi:10.4172/2165-7386.1000262
- Rose C, Nickerson P, Delmonico F, Randhawa G, Gill J, Gill JS. (2015) Estimation of potential deceased donors in Canada. Transplantation.
- Morgan M, Sims J, Jain N, Randhawa G, Sharma S & Modi K (2015) Inequalities in waiting times for kidney transplantation among Black and minority ethnic groups: causes and strategies. British Journal of Renal Medicine. 20(1):4-7.
- Sharp C & Randhawa G (2014) UK Polish migrant attitudes toward deceased organ donation: Findings from a pilot study. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. DOI 10.1007/s10903-014-0070-3
- Sharp C & Randhawa G (2014) Altruism, gift giving and reciprocity in organ donation: A review of cultural perspectives and challenges of the concepts. Transplantation Reviews, 28, 163-8.
- Sharp C & Randhawa G (2014) Organ donation as an ‘altruistic gift’: Incentives and reciprocity in deceased organ donation from a UK Polish migrant perspective. Annals of Transplantation. 19, 23-31.
Recent conference presentations
- Randhawa (2021) Journey of the body and soul: how different faiths have interacted with organ donation, BTS NHSBT Congress 2021, February (online due to COVID-19).
- Randhawa (2020) Promoting access and equity in living organ donation – lessons from the UK. International Perspectives on Access & Equity in Living Organ Donation & Transplantation, Centre for Living Organ Donation, Toronto, September (online due to COVID-19).
- Pedder Jones, Papadopoulos, Randhawa (2020) ‘Would you like to join the NHS Organ Donor Register?’ A general practice feasibility study. British Journal of General Practice Annual Conference, Royal College of General Practitioners, London, March.
- Randhawa (2020) Public engagement with organ donation among multi-ethnic and multi-faith population – lessons from the UK. Faith, Ethics and Organ Donation, Wolff Institute, University of Cambridge, February.
- Randhawa (2019) Does ethnicity play a role in being a donor or a recipient? Dutch Clinical Review Symposium. Utrecht, November.
- Randhawa (2019) Increasing Donation from under-represented donors with an emphasis specifically on Black and Asian donors. 20th European Day for Organ Donation & Transplantation. London, October.
- Randhawa (2019) Tackling inequalities in organ donation in the UK – the role of public engagement. Islamic perspectives on organ donation after death. Al-Mahdi Institute, Birmingham, October.
- Randhawa (2019) Developing a culturally competent approach to public engagement and organ donation – lessons from the United Kingdom. European Transcultural Nurses Association. Ceske Budejovice, June.
- Randhawa (2019) Promoting organ donation in BAME groups in the UK. 5th International Transplant Conference, University of Warwick, May.
- Randhawa (2019) ‘They will finish me off before I am dead’ - challenges & opportunities in organ donation from a multi-ethnic and multi-faith UK population 5th ELPAT Congress, Krakow, April.
- Randhawa (2019) Organ donation from black and minority ethnic communities. Joint Annual British Transplant Society & NHS Blood and Transplant Congress, Harrogate, March.
- Randhawa (2018) Is organ donation and transplantation a reality for everyone in an unequal world? Lessons from the UK. 11th Annual Transplant Co-ordinators Conference. St John’s National Academy of Medical Sciences, Bangalore, December.
- Randhawa (2018) Organ donation among multi-ethnic and multi-faith communities – lessons from the UK. 14th Congress for the German Foundation for Organ Transplantation (DSO), Frankfurt, November.
- Randhawa (2018) Inequalities in organ donation – developing an ongoing community dialogue – lessons from the UK. Religion and culture in Transplantation, Organisation of Catalonia for Transplants (OCATT), Palau Macaya, Barcelona, September.
- Randhawa (2017) The challenge of globalisation and immigration for kidney care in the UK. British Renal Society Annual Conference, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, April.
- Randhawa (2016) Communicating organ donation to different communities: “Impact of globalisation and immigration in Europe for organ donation – lessons from the UK”26th European Dialysis and Transplant Co-ordinators Congress, Barcelona, Spain, October.
- Randhawa (2015) Public engagement with organ donation – lessons from the UK. 24th Annual meeting of the Deutsche Transplantationsgesellschaft (DTG), Dresden, Germany, October.
- Randhawa (2015) Public engagement with organ donation – lessons from the UK. 8th National Association of Transplant Co-ordinators Conference, Chennai, India, October.
- Randhawa (2015) Faith engagement and organ donation action plan. Faith leaders summit, University of Derby, September.
- Randhawa (2015) Gender and organ donation – a strategy to create a revolution in public behavior on organ donation. 14th Congress of the Asian Society for Transplantation, Suntec City, Singapore, August.
- Randhawa (2015) Increasing consent from ethnic minorities for deceased organ donation. 14th Congress of the Asian Society for Transplantation, Suntec City, Singapore, August.
- Randhawa (2015) Promoting conversations about organ donation in a multi-ethnic and multi-faith context. Faith and Organ Donation Conference, Beardmore Conference Centre, Clydebank, June.
- Randhawa (2015) Communicating organ donation to different communities: “Impact of globalisation and immigration in Europe for organ donation – lessons from the UK”. 10th Competent Authority Meeting on Organ Donation and Transplantation. European Commission, Brussels, March.
- Randhawa (2015) Faith and organ donation. Evaluating faith-based responses to healthcare challenges. Faith Action, Royal Society of Arts, London, March.
- Randhawa G (2014) Engaging UK Public with Organ Donation. South Buckinghamshire NHS Trust. September.
- Randhawa G (2014) Impact of immigration in Europe and organ donation. Eurotransplant, Leiden, September.
- Randhawa G (2014) Organ donation in diverse populations, learning from the UK. World Transplant Congress, San Francisco
- Randhawa (2014) Organ donation Faith Action Plan. London Organ Donation Regional meeting. Guys Hospital, London, May.
- Randhawa (2014) Organ donation in a multi-ethnic and multi-faith context. Put your faith in organ donation, Council Chambers, Birmingham, April.
PhD Research Topics
- Developing and evaluating interventions to encourage organ donation registration
- Public engagement with organ donation
- Ethnicity and faith in organ donation
- Developing and evaluating cultural competency staff programmes for organ donation and transplant staff
Consultancy areas
- The ODTC is regularly commissioned to undertake stakeholders' events with a range of different communities. Recent examples include the UK, India, and Qatar
- ODTC develops and provides culturally competent training for healthcare staff in relation to organ donation
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