Bedfordshire’s here to make Clearing clearer
Thu 11 August, 2022
With one week to go until A Level Results day (18th August), the University of Bedfordshire has helped to make the Clearing process clearer by offering VIP Access for all prospective students so they can go on to ‘Defy Expectations’.
Clearing is simply just another way to apply to university and thousands of students successfully secure a place on their dream course through Clearing every year. However, Bedfordshire understands that it can still be a stressful time for hopeful applicants, so have made things easier by launching a Beds VIP platform boasting lots of useful information – and even some freebies!
By registering as a Beds VIP in the run up to A Level results day, students will get peace of mind by getting access to lots of useful information, guidance and support, as well as exclusive access to Q&A sessions with the University’s admissions team. On results day, VIPs will also be contacted directly by the dedicated team who will be there to support students throughout their application process.
Prospective students who are perhaps worried about their upcoming results, who have decided to apply to university last minute, or who may be thinking of changing their future career path can also take advantage of Bedfordshire’s ‘Defy Expectations’ webpage. It is bursting with useful information about the Clearing process, available courses, accommodation, entry requirements and information about the University’s Merit Scholarships – everything to help students make an informed decision about their studies. Applicants can also call the Clearing hotline any time on 0300 3300 073 for advice and help with applications.
David Seaton, Assistant Director of Student Recruitment & Admissions, said: “A Level results day and the Clearing process can be a stressful time so we want to make sure that all students are supported and are confident in their decision to apply. When they get in touch with our dedicated Clearing and admissions team, they will find out lots of useful information about the variety of support available to them during their studies and beyond.
“Clearing is always an exciting time and allows the University of Bedfordshire to offer applicants a life-changing opportunity. Those who chose to study here become part of a vibrant, diverse and inclusive community that supports them to be their very best self, going on to ‘Defy Expectations’!”
All students enrolling at the University in September 2022 – whether they come through Clearing or not – will automatically receive a bursary of £1,500 to help with their living expenses during their time at Bedfordshire, while those who score more than 112 UCAS tariff points will be gifted a merit scholarship of £2,400 during their studies.
David added: “We know living costs are a big concern for students, so we hope this additional funding – which does not need to be paid back – will help alleviate some monetary pressures. We also guarantee all first year students accommodation in our on-campus halls of residence.”
A number of virtual and in-person open days are already lined up after results day so that prospective students can join campus tours and meet tutors from their course, allowing them to see the University first hand and to ask specific questions about their studies and learning environments.
For more information about the Clearing process and to speak to the team, call the Clearing Hotline on 0300 3300 073 (open 24 hours every day throughout August), register to become a Beds VIP or apply online today!
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