Bedfordshire education student launches online art lessons in coronavirus lockdown
Wed 08 April, 2020
Second year Primary Education student at the University of Bedfordshire, Martha Kay, has created her own YouTube channel to broadcast her own art lessons for children.
The YouTube channel, Martha’s Primary World, aims to “take focus away from the current situation and escape with art”. The videos will focus on art in a cross-cirricular exploration.
Martha is due to enter the final year of her Primary Education (with QTS) degree at Bedfordshire this September. But coming to the end of her work placements during a global pandemic “doesn’t seem real”.
She explains: “In my mind, the last day of my placement was going to be celebrated with fun activities for the children, humour and a positive end for a new start in another placement.
“How could I celebrate when I had less than half a class? You really felt for the children as they had no idea if they would see their teachers again this academic year. We have had a few online lectures which are bizarre, it is just not the same.”
Martha wanted to contribute in any way she could. “Sometimes people forget that children still need an outlet for creativity and to get messy,” she explains. “They are children and need to get glue all over their hands and draw unrecognisable pictures. I want to do my part and this can help me get ‘back in the classroom’, so to speak.”

The videos will “build confidence in a subject many are opposed to”, “let children explore materials”, and leave them with something “to be proud of” at the end.
Martha explains: “They are cross-ciriruclar too. If there are boxes involved, we’ll explore shapes and their properties. If we are drawing a self-portrait, we can take a PSHE approach and reflect on what characteristics we possess.”
The current lockdown has resulted in schools being closed to most children, but “teaching is very physical and benefits from face-to-face contact,” says Martha. “However, teachers are doing the best they can.”
Martha pursued teaching as an exciting career to be proud of. She said: “This is not a profession like any other. Seeing the children working hard and getting the gears moving just felt like such an amazing feeling to be responsible for.
“I applied to Bedfordshire, as it’s nationally known for the teacher education course, and I’ve never looked back. The feeling of teaching the next generation and inspiring them with your enthusiasm really appeals to me. I do the best I can and it’s all worth it when you get 30 handmade cards saying, ‘You're the best teacher ever’.”
In the first episode, learn how to make Easter boxes with Martha. Be sure to tag any pictures of your creations with #MarthasArtClub!
Find out what else the University of Bedfordshire is doing during the coronavirus lockdown and what makes us #ProudToBeBeds: ‘University celebrates unity in national #WeAreTogether campaign’.
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