Actress gives career advice to Bedfordshire students
Tue 04 June, 2019
Lead actress in horror film, Blood Spirit (2019), Ayvianna Snow visited the University of Bedfordshire and talked to Media Performance students about her career in acting.
Ayvianna exhibited her show reel to the University students and talked about the many challenges faced within the acting industry – from casting experiences, to the struggles of getting heard and seen by agencies. She entertained students with her ‘real-life’ stories about things she’d been tasked to do as part of her auditions and applications for jobs throughout her acting career.
Students were given an insight into the competition that they’ll become a part of when they graduate and when they enter the world of work. They were able to ask questions to help answer their curiosities and concerns about the acting industry.
The actress’s biggest advice to the students was about ‘never giving up’. She told the students in her workshop: “I have always persisted and have always been hard-working. I go the extra mile in terms of calling people and reaching out. You only quit in the moment you give up. If you keep going you haven’t failed, that’s what it’s about. You have to pick yourself up after a bad film and keep going. You have to keep going.”
When asked why it’s important for University students to have exposure to professionals like herself Ayvianna responded: “The industry is so fast-changing. You have to have people who are working in it right now to come in and speak to students.”
She added: “It’s useful to have someone who’s acting now to come in and talk about what’s happening like self-tapes.”
While it was her first visit to the University of Bedfordshire, Ayvianna is one of many guest speakers Bedfordshire welcomes on a regular basis. The University recognises the importance and benefits of having professionals from industries relevant to their subject areas, coming in and speaking to their students.
Visiting Lecturer at the University and Board Member of Boxatricks Productions, John Gough said: “It is becoming more and more vital for university Media Degree courses to connect and develop strong and visible links with the creative Industries.
“Potential and existing students need the reassurance that their courses are recognised as relevant, connected to and supported by the industry. Ayvianna’s talk and relationship with the University underlines an example of university best practice.”
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