Graduate Presents at International Association for Dance Medicine and Science conference
Tue 06 November, 2018
MSc Dance Science graduate Oonasofia Saukkonen presented her dissertation research at this year's International Association for Dance Medicine and Science conference in Finland.
The conference is the biggest annual event in dance science and attracts hundreds of delegates from around the world.
After graduating from the MSc, Sofia presented her dissertation research on turnout at the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science (IADMS) 28th Annual Conference. She is continuing her research into dancers’ turnout back in her native Finland and has recently become a board member of Dance Health Finland.
Sofia is also working with the Publications Committee of IADMS to translate their Resource Papers into Finnish, and has created a website and blog dedicated to making dance science research findings accessible to dancers and teachers. Sofia says:
“For me, the MSc Dance Science course gave an opportunity to deepen my understanding of the dance specific aspects of human biomechanics and physiology as well as the psychological perspectives. During the course, we were taught by the experts of each field from around the world and had access to the outstanding laboratories at the university to put the theory into practice.
There are many interesting optional units that allow you to follow your personal interests and you are given individual guidance throughout your studies whenever needed. Also, as an MSc Dance Science student you are given the possibility to participate in the dance classes at the university as well as to cooperate with the other courses running at the dance department. If interested, you can also find opportunities to get involved in research by assisting in some of the ongoing research projects at the UoB.
The atmosphere on the programme was highly motivational and for that I have to thank our course coordinator Imogen Aujla and my classmates for many inspirational conversations. The course coordinator is dedicated to helping and guiding all the students with what ever you may be struggling with. She has been and continues to be a great support also after my graduation as I am beginning to conduct my own research.
As an international student at UoB I felt welcomed and supported with what ever problems or questions I may have had. The University offers units in language and communication skill for those who are not completely confident with their English. In my class, five different nationalities were represented which of course gave new and interesting meanings to our lectures and conversations.
Studying my MSc at UoB is definitely one of the best choices I have made and has been a step towards a new direction in my career in dance practice, physiotherapy, and research. I have found myself in places where I never believed I would be, doing things I did not know I could do. ”
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