For she’s a jolly good Fellow
Tue 20 January, 2015
Christine Norgate from the University of Bedfordshire is one of just twenty two outstanding health visitors who are to join the prestigious Institute of Health Visiting’s Fellowship programme - taking the total number of Fellows appointed last year to 143.
Christine, a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Clinical Education and Leadership, had to go through a rigorous application process to be accepted. She had to show evidence of her expertise, skills and leadership qualities.
Dr Cheryll Adams, Director of the iHV said: “It was clear to our assessors that Christine is demonstrating excellence in practice, is a real leader and champion of the health visiting profession and passionate about improving health outcomes for the children and families in your area. We expect you are very proud of her!”
The Institute of Health Visiting (iHV) Fellow scheme recognises the professional achievement of exceptional health visitors – creating a new country-wide group of expert and confident health visitor leaders who make a real difference to the health outcomes of children and their families.
Christine an experienced Specialist Community Public Health Nurse who now works at the University teaching full time said: “This is a wonderful honour to have been recognised for the hard work I have put in over the last 30 years. However I hope that becoming a Fellow will just be the start of a new phase, helping me to develop the next generation of health visitors. ”
As a new Fellow, Christine is invited to undertake a four-day leadership development programme and will be awarded her certificate at a celebration event in March.
Prof Michael Preston Shoot, Executive Dean of Health and Social Sciences at the University said: “We are extremely proud of Christine’s achievement. It is well deserved. We have always known that Christine has made a vital contribution to improving the health of children and families in this area and it is wonderful to see this acknowledged.”
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