Specialist Rooms
A115 Newsroom
This is a facility dedicated to news programming. There is a small TV set with lighting and two cameras, a radio news booth and a transmission gallery.
The fifteen student computers have Adobe Premiere software for TV picture editing, QSeries which is used for TV scriptwriting as well as for creating programme run orders and linking to the transmission gallery and Burli which is used for radio scripts, run orders and getting a national radio newsfeed.
Students learn to edit and write in this room and to reconstruct their stories for online platforms plus the space is used to make live news programming.
Apart from news workshops and dedicated newsdays the facility also has access to the latest Adobe Creative Cloud software including InDesign and Photoshop to enable students to create newspapers and magazines.
A220 Specialist Make Up Room
This room is used as a teaching space for students wishing to learn the craft skills and techniques used in Specialist Make Up to enable them to work on film or fashion events or in the performing arts. It is specialist classroom with the latest audio visual teaching aids, where they are taught the expertise in the theory and practice of preparing performers for the stage, catwalk or screen.
The combination of character creation with its emphasis on prosthetic and effects make up, with high fashion will enable them to build up their portfolio and prepare them for freelance work.
A220 situated on the second floor in A block at Park Square is a dedicated, fully equipped 20 station makeup studio, with prosthetic table, hair dressing sinks, shower and changing facilities to allow for full body make-up.
University switchboard
During office hours
(Monday-Friday 08:30-17:00)
+44 (0)1234 400 400
Outside office hours
(Campus Watch)
+44 (0)1582 74 39 89
International office
Student support