Participation, citizenship rights and equity (Professor Uvanney Maylor)
The Participation, citizenship rights and equity (PCRE) research group combines expertise and theoretical insights from the fields of education, sociology, philosophy and citizenship to examine and critique educational participation, citizenship rights/education, multiculturalism and educational equity (pertaining to race/ethnicity, disability, gender, class and other identities) in the UK and internationally. It interrogates tensions between diversity, multiculturalism, inclusion and citizenship, and how democratic participation, citizenship rights and equity are promoted through education. It is concerned with how individuals/communities are included/excluded and how educational inequalities are legitimised and reinforced by political and educational systems in the UK and globally. Advancing social justice is an integral part of the group’s work. By bringing greater scrutiny to educational and democratic policies and practice, the research group seeks to surface political, economic and cultural forces that affect education related policy and practice, whilst positively impacting on democratic values, citizenship, multiculturalism, educational practice and equitable student outcomes in schools, further and higher education.
Research studies undertaken by the group are informed by a range of data collection approaches including narrative, interviews, focus groups, survey, case studies, classroom observations, documentary and secondary data analysis. Analyses are facilitated by the theoretical frameworks of philosophy of education, critical race theory, post-colonialism amongst others.
Current research projects
- Multiculturalism, inclusion and special educational needs;
- Democracy and citizenship - Colleges founded by Henry Morris; case study of Huntingdon, teachers and students; St. Ives reading group;
- Philosophy, curriculum construction; PESGB-race and ethnicity; creative writing through English- sense of place, identity;
- Innovation Bridge consultancy with Luton Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) – Using digital technology to engage CAB users
- The impact of race and culture on educational practice/leadership and student and teacher experience, identities and outcomes; deconstructing deficit narratives about Black students; notions of inclusion, belonging, in/exclusion in school, further and higher education; policies and practices that (re)produce educational inequities; using intersectionality to explore and build increased access, opportunity and equity across educational environments; challenge institutional racism.
Institute for Research in Education
School of Education and English Language
University of Bedfordshire
Bedford campus
Polhill Avenue
MK41 9EA