Conference presentations
- Puthussery S, Verstraeten A, Ilozumba O (2024) Professionals’ perspectives on barriers for timely antenatal care for ethnic minority women. 17th European Public Health Conference, November 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
- Puthussery S, Okeke C, Gavine A, McFadden A, Tseng PC (2024) Stakeholder perspectives on supplemental milk for infants under six months with growth faltering.17th European Public Health Conference, November 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
- Puthussery S, Sharma E, Tseng PC (2023) Developing and implementing a co-produced community-based intervention to increase uptake of antenatal care in Luton. University of Bedfordshire Research Conference June 2023, Luton, UK
- Verstraeten A, Puthussery S (2023) Barriers and facilitators of timely initiation and uptake of antenatal care for women from ethnic minority backgrounds: Stakeholder perspectives in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. University of Bedfordshire Research Conference June 2023 Luton, UK
- Puthussery S (2023) Enhancing uptake of antenatal care in an ethnically diverse socio-economically deprived area in the UK. From Evidence to Reality. 33rd International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) Triennial Congress June 2023, Bali, Indonesia
- Stevenson K, Puthussery S, Teschemacher L, Engelhardt M, Al Munjid R, Castaner MM, Borde T (2023). Strengthening Pathways to High Quality Maternity Care for Migrant Women in Europe: Taking an Equity Lens. 17th World Congress on Public Health May 2023, Rome, Italy
- Puthussery S, Sharma E, Tseng PC, Harden A, Li L (2023) Ethnic minority women's experiences of accessing antenatal care in high income European countries: a systematic review. Population Medicine. 17th World Congress on Public Health May 2023, Rome, Italy
- Sharma E, Tseng PC, Puthussery S (2022) Enhancing uptake of antenatal care in socio-economically deprived and ethnically dense areas in Luton. Proceedings of the University of Bedfordshire Research Conference 2022.
- Puthussery S, Tseng Pc, Sharma E, Harden A, Li L (2022) Late antenatal care initiation and neonatal outcomes in an ethnically diverse maternal cohort. 15th European Public Health Conference, November 2022, Berlin, Germany
- Puthussery S, Puthussery C, Andervad E, Tseng PC, Puthusserry T (2022) Spatial analysis of the association between area deprivation and neonatal outcomes in an ethnically diverse maternal cohort in England: a retrospective cross-sectional study. UK Public Health Science Conference November 2022, Glasgow, UK
- Puthussery S (2021) Wellbeing of Women Expert Discussion Panel with Her Royal Highness, Countess of Wessex
- Sharma E, Puthussery S, Tseng Pc, Li L, Harden A, Griffiths M, Bamfo J (2021) Ethnic minority women’s interactions with antenatal care providers in Europe. 14th European Public Health Conference, November 2021, Online
- Kabeya V, Puthussery S, Furmanski A (2021) Barriers and facilitators to genetic testing amongst Black African women in the UK. 14th European Public Health Conference, November 2021, Online
- Puthussery S (2020) Role of religion and faith in pregnancy and child birth. Becoming Mothers Webinar Series Link here
- Ozim C, Mahendran R, Amalan M, Puthussery S (2020) Prevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus among pregnant women in Nigeria.
- Puthussery S, Tseng PC, Li L, Puthusserry T (2019) Antenatal care initiation in an ethnically dense socially disadvantaged maternal cohort. 12th European Public Health Conference, November 2019, Marseille, France
- Puthussery S, Tseng PC, Li L, Puthusserry T (2018) A retrospective analysis of variations in antenatal care initiation in an ethnically diverse maternal population in the UK. 1st World Congress on Migration, Ethnicity, Race and Health, Edinburgh, UK.
- Garcia R.L (2018) Perinatal mortality in Pakistani, Bangladeshi and White British women, in Luton. Saving Babies’ Lives Care bundle …. 2 years on. East of England Clinical Networks, Cambridge.
- Puthussery S, Tseng PC, Shaw N, Puthusserry T (2017) Analysis of preterm births in an ethnically diverse maternal population in the UK and the linkage to ethnicity and socio- economic deprivation. 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Athens, Greece.
- Hadley A (2017) Implementing England’s ten-year teenage pregnancy strategy: what did it achieve and how was it done? Argentina Teenage Pregnancy Action Plan Consultation Event. Unicef
- Hadley A (2017) Teenage Pregnancy Strategy: a joined up solution to a complex issue. 2nd National Conference on Healthy Sexuality, Thailand.
- Puthussery S, Shaw N, Tseng PC, Mathews M, Puthussery T (2016) A retrospective analysis of preterm births in an ethnically diverse maternal population and its linkages to migrant status. European Public Health Association’s 6th European Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health, Oslo, Norway.
- Hadley A (2016) The Teenage Pregnancy Strategy for England: What We Did and What We Learned. Accelerating progress towards the reduction of adolescent pregnancy in the Americas: a technical consultation. Pan-American Health Organisation (PAHO).
- Hadley A (2016) The Teenage Pregnancy Strategy for England: what we did and what we learned. Global consultation to draw out lessons learned from the first generation of scaled up Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Programmes World Health Organisation, Geneva.
- Puthussery S, Twamley K, Harding S, Macfarlane A (2015) An exploration of family influences on perceptions of maternal competence among UK-born South Asian mothers in Britain. 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Puthussery S, Billington M, Girach M (2014). Closing the ethnic gap in birth outcomes in the UK: A critical synthesis of opportunities and challenges for commissioning maternity services in the new National Health Service European Public Health Association’s 5th Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health in Europe, April 2014, Granada, Spain.
- Puthussery S, Billington M (2012). Socio economic status, access to care and birth outcomes among Black and minority ethnic women in the UK and US. European Public Health Association’s 4th Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health in Europe, Milan, Italy.
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