Systemic Conferences & Events
- New Materialism, Black, Indigenous & Queer Theory Reading Seminars. (Online) Register here:
- Autism and Intersectionality: Implications for Systemic Practice and Research. 3rd Autism and Systemic Practice Conference. Thursday 8th and Friday 9th July 2021 (online).
- Making Systemic Therapy Training Relevant - Theory, Culture, Equality. A two day symposium. Monday 1st March & Monday 4th October 2021, 09.00 - 16.00 (Online). More details on the symposium homepage
- Systemic Doctoral Research Symposium. Online. In conjunction with Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust. 25th March 2021.
- Daring moments and Improvisational movements. Joanna Michopoulou. Online. 16th April 2021.
- 6th Bedfordshire International Systemic Practice and Research School. Online. 15th - 17th June 2021.
- 2nd Systemic Practice & Autism Conference 5th July 2019, Postgraduate Centre, Luton.
- 5th Bedfordshire International Systemic Summer School 12th - 14th June 2019, Brathay Hall
- Festschrift for Dr Imelda McCarthy, 8th December 2018, Postgraduate Centre, Luton.
- New Wave Systemic Reading Seminars, Online or in London. Book via
- 2nd Systemic Postgraduate Research Conference -
PDF 108.0 KB , 4th & 5th May 2018, co-organised with Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust.
- 4th Bedfordshire International Systemic Spring School -
PDF 3.0 MB , 19th - 21st April 2018, Brathay Hall.
- 3rd Bedfordshire International Systemic Spring School -
PDF 2.7 MB , 26th- 28th April 2017, Brathay Hall.
- Writing Retreat for Reflexive Practitioners -
PDF 1.3 MB , 29th - 30th April, Brathay Hall.
- Festschrift for Professor John Shotter -
PDF 471.8 KB , 8th October 2016, Postgraduate Centre, Luton.
- 1st Systemic Practice & Autism Conference -
PDF 1.1 MB , 8th July 2016, Postgraduate Centre, Luton.
- 2nd Bedfordshire International Systemic Winter School -
PDF 2.5 MB , 3rd - 5th February 2016, Brathay Hall.
- 1st Systemic Postgraduate Research Conference -
PDF 819.3 KB , 17th & 18th September 2015, Postgraduate Centre, Luton, co-organised with Tavistock & Portman NHS Trust.
- Festschrift for Dr Peter Lang -
PDF 323.0 KB , 27th June 2015, Postgraduate Centre, Luton.
- Honorary Doctorate for Dr Peter Lang -
PDF 1003.1 KB , 27th March 2015, Luton Campus.
- 1st Bedfordshire International Systemic Winter School -
PDF 1.3 MB , 11th - 13th February 2015, Brathay Hall.
- Asperger Syndrome and Systemic Practice Research Symposium -
DOCX 39.1 KB , 11th July 2014, Postgraduate Centre, Luton.
- Reflexivity in Research Conference -
DOCX 871.4 KB (with University of Hertfordshire and HEA ),14th March 2014, Postgraduate Centre, Luton.
In addition to these links you can watch the presentations from our Festschrifts on the Systemic Practice Channel on YouTube.
- Festschrift for Dr Imelda McCarthy, 8th December 2018, Postgraduate Centre, Luton.
- Festschrift for Professor John Shotter, 8th October 2016, Postgraduate Centre, Luton.
- Festschrift for Dr Peter Lang, 27th June 2015, Postgraduate Centre, Luton. YouTube
- Honorary Doctorate for Dr Peter Lang, 27th March 2015, Luton Campus.