Professor Emily Munro
Goldberg Professor of Social Work Research
Director of the Institute of Applied Social Research and Director of the Tilda Goldberg Centre for Social Work and Social Care
Professor Emily Munro was appointed Director of the Tilda Goldberg Centre for Social Work and Social Care (TGC) in May 2016. The following year she also took up the role of Director of the Institute of Applied Social Research (IASR). Prior to this she held academic posts at Thomas Coram Research Unit, UCL Institute of Education and the Centre for Child and Family Research, Loughborough University.
Emily is an applied researcher with an international reputation in relation to child and family welfare, policy and practice. She has directed over 30 research studies, (as PI or Co-I), for a range of funders including the Economic and Social Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, Department for Education and Big Lottery, with an income value in excess of £8 million.
During her career Emily has undertaken an extensive body of research on transitions from care to adulthood, with activities including: co-editing the first book in the field to compare legal and policy frameworks, welfare regimes and innovative practice across 16 countries; leading Government evaluations on implementation of practice innovations, including the first national evaluation of extended care in England; cross-national comparative outputs and special issues on leaving care and social justice. Her work has also advanced the use of participatory research methods involving young people in and leaving care across the research cycle.
Emily currently leads a programme of research on safeguarding children and adults with complex needs funded by NHS England as part of the Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Research and Innovation Hub
Findings from Emily’s research have informed the Review of the Child Care Proceedings System in England and Wales, the Munro Review of Child Protection and the Review of the Office of the Children’s Commissioner and been used internationally to lobby for legislative reforms aimed at improving outcomes for care experienced people.
Research Interests
- Child and family social work
- Transitions from care to adulthood
- Comparative child welfare policy and practice
- Participatory research methodology
- Research ethics
- Practitioner Diploma in Executive Coaching (Academy of Executive Coaching)
- PhD (Loughborough University) Balancing looked after children’s protective, provisional and participatory rights in research, policy and practice.
- MA Social Research (University of Birmingham)
- BSocSc Social Policy (2.1 Hons) (University of Birmingham)
- Certificate in International Child Law (Merit) (University of Leicester)
- Certificate in Judicial Review and Social Welfare Law (Merit) (University of Leicester)
Current and Recent Research Projects
- Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care System (BLMK ICS) Research and Innovation Hub: Reducing inequalities in health and social care (Co-lead with Prof Gurch Randhawa and Dr Louise Grant)
- Mental health and wellbeing support for care leavers in Bedfordshire, Luton, and Milton Keynes (BLMK): Understanding support provision, experiences and outcomes to improve practice and reduce inequalities (PI)
- Nottingham Legacy Evaluation (Barnardo’s) (PI)
- Care leavers, Covid-19 and the transition from care (CCTC) (PI) (ESRC/UKRI Covid-19 rapid response)
- Exploring Innovations in Transition to Adulthood (EXIT Study) (Co-I) (ESRC)
- Global North/Global South Leaving Care Research Workshops (GCRF)
- Integrated care and support for care leavers (PI) (European Social Network)
- Focus on Practice: Evaluation of the Quality of Systemic Social Work Practice (DfE)
- Re-imagining social care services in co-production with disabled parents (PI) (DRILL/Big Lottery)
- How can health services effectively improve the health and wellbeing of young people leaving public care? (Co-I) (NIHR)
- Residential parenting assessments: Uses, costs and contributions to effective and timely decision making in public law cases (PI) (DfE/ Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre)
Recent Publications
- Lynch, A., Friel, S., Munro, E. R., Sultana, M., Hamilton, C., Kerridge, G., Oswick, R., Pillay Mitchell, T., Alderson, H., McGovern, R., Mohamoud, J., Smart, D. and Currie, G (2024) Developing care experienced young peoples’ meaningful participation as peer researchers in an inter-disciplinary study : applying the ‘Ability-Motivation-Opportunity’ framework. European Journal of Social Work. doi:10.1080/13691457.2024.2424980
- Currie G, Lynch A, Swan J, Alderson H, Friel S, Harrop C, Johnson R, Kerridge G, Smart D, McGovern R, Munro E (2024) 'How to extend pilot innovation in public services: a case of children's social care innovation'. Public Administration doi/full/10.1111/padm.13028
- Johnson, R.E., Kerridge, G., Alderson, H., Currie, G., Friel, S., Harrop, C., Lynch, A., McGovern, R., Munro, E.R., Newlands, F., Smart, D. (2024) ‘Mind the Gap’: Extending Outcome Measurement for Accountability and Meaningful Innovation. British Journal of Social Work,
- Munro, E.R., Kelly, B., Mannay, D., & McGhee, K. (2024). Comparing Leaving-Care Policy and Practice Across the Four Nations of the United Kingdom: Exploring Similarities, Differences, and Implementation Gaps. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 26(2), 178–195. doi/full/10.1080/13876988.2024.2317234
- Alderson, H., Smart, D., Kerridge, G., Currie, G., Johnson, R., Kaner, E., Lynch, A., Munro, E.R., Swan, J., and McGovern, R. (2023) Moving from ‘what we know works’ to ‘what we do in practice’: An evidence overview of implementation and diffusion of innovation in transition to adulthood for care experienced young people . Child and Family Social work doi/10.1111/cfs.12998
- Munro ER, Friel S, Baker C, Newlands F (2023) 'Adapting services and support for young people negotiating the transition from care to adulthood in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic', in Krzaklewska E, Williamson H, Stapleton A, Tillmann F (ed(s).). Transitions on hold? How the COVID-19 pandemic affected young people's autonomy, edn, Strasbourg: Council of Europe and European Commission pp.215-225.
- Refaeli, T., Shuman-Harel, N., Brady, E., Mann-Feder, V., Munro, E.R., and van Breda., A. (2023) Widening the care gap? An international comparison of care-leaving in the time of COVID-19, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 93, 436-449. doi/full/10.1080/13876988.2024.2317234
- Skouteris, H., Green, R., Chung, A., Bergmeier, H., Amir, L.H., Baidwan, S. K., Chater, A. M., Chamberlain, C., Emond, R., Gibbons, K., Gooey, M., Hatzikiriakidis, K., Haycraft, E., Hills, A. P., Higgins, D., Hooper, O., Hunter, S., Kappelides, P., Kleve, S., Krakouer, J., Lumeng, J. C., Manios, Y., Mansoor, A., Marmot, M., Masse, L. C., Matvienko-Sikar, K., Mchiza, Z. J., Meyer, C., Moschonis, G., Munro, E. R., O'Connor, T. M., O'Neil, A., Quarmby, T., Sandford, R., Schneiderman, J. U., Sherriff, S., Simkiss, D., Spence, A., Sturgiss, E., Vicary, D., Wickes, R., Wolfenden, L., Story, M., Black, M . M. (2022). Nurturing children's development through healthy eating and active living: Time for policies to support effective interventions in the context of responsive emotional support and early learning, Health and Social Care in the Community (2022). Nurturing children's development through healthy eating and active living: Time for policies to support effective interventions in the context of responsive emotional support and early learning, Health and Social Care in the Community
- Munro, E. R., Friel, S., Baker, C., Lynch, A., Walker, K., Williams, J., Cook, E., Chater, A., (2022). Care leavers' transitions to adulthood in the context of COVID-19: Understanding pathways, experiences and outcomes to improve policy and practice, University of Bedfordshire. Luton.
- Munro, E.R., Friel, S., Newlands, F., Baker, C., García Alba, L. and Lynch, A. (2021) Research Briefing One: Professional perspectives on supporting young people leaving care in the context of COVID-19. Care Leavers, COVID-19 and the transition from care. University of Bedfordshire. Luton. (CCTC study)
- Munro, E.R., Skouteris, H., Newlands, F., and Walker, S. (2021) Innovation in children's social care: From conceptualisation to improved outcomes? Journal of Children's Services, 16, 3, 177-183.
Munro, E.R. (2020) Promoting the welfare, protection and care of children during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic . Journal of Children's Services. 15, 4, 177-184 - van Breda, A.D., Munro, E.R., Gilligan, R., Anghel, R., Harder, A., Incarnato, M., Mann-Feder, V., Rafaeli, T., Stolher, R. and Storø, J. (2020). Extended care: Global dialogue on policy, practice and research . Children and Youth Services Review. 119
- Bostock, L., Khan, M., Munro, E.R., Lynch, A., Baker, C., Newlands, F. and Antonopoulou, V. (2020) Havering Face to Face Pathways. Final Report. London: Department for Education
- Munro, E.R. and Tinarwo, M. (2020) Evaluation of the National Female Genital Mutilation Centre. London: Department for Education
- Munro, E.R. and Simkiss, D. (2020) Transitions from care to adulthood: messages to inform practice. Paediatrics and Child Health. 30, 5, 175-180
- Munro, E.R. (2019) Reflections on upholding the rights of youth leaving out of home care, Mann-Feder, V. and Goyette, M (eds.) Leaving care and the transition to adulthood. Oxford University Press. chptr 4.
- Bostock, L., Patrizo, L., Godfrey, T., Munro, E. & Forrester, D. (2019) How do we assess the quality of group supervision? Developing a coding framework, Children and Youth Services Review, 100, 515-524,
- Munro, E.R. (2018) Assessments to support young people making the transition from care to adulthood, in Horwath, J. and Platt, D. (Eds) (3rd ed.)The Child's World. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers
- Munro, E.R. and Zonouzi, M. (2018) Re-imagining social care services in co-production with disabled parents. Luton: University of Bedfordshire
- Butterworth, S., Singh, S., Birchwood, M., Islam, Z., Munro, E.R., Vostanis, P., Paul M., Khan, A. and Simkiss, D. (2017) Transitioning care-leavers with mental health needs: “they set you up to fail!” Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 22(3), 138-147 DOI: 10.1111/camh.12171
- Munro, E.R., Hollingworth, K., Meetoo, V. and Simon, A. (2017) Ealing Brighter Futures Intensive Engagement Model: Working with adolescents in and on the edge of care. London: Department for Education
- Munro, E.R., Mølholt, A. and Hollingworth, K. (2016) Leaving care in the United Kingdom and Scandinavia: is it all that different in contrasting welfare regimes? In P. Mendes and P. Snow (eds) Young people transitioning from care: International research, policy and practice. London: Palgrave Macmillan DOI:10.1057/978-1-137-55639-4_10
- Cameron, C., Elliott, H., Iqbal, H., Munro, E.R. (2016) Focus on Practice in three London boroughs: an evaluation. London: Department for Education
- Lushey, C. and Munro, E.R. (2015) Participatory peer research methodology: An effective method for obtaining young people's perspectives on transitions from care to adulthood? Qualitative Social Work. 14(4), 522-537
- Mendes, P., Pinkerton, J. and Munro, E.R. (2014) Young people transitioning from out of home care. Australian Social Work. 67(1), 1-4 DOI:10.1080/0312407X.2014.867471
- Munro, E.R., Hollingworth, K. Meetoo, V., Quy, K., McDermid, S. Trivedi, H. and Holmes, L. (2014) Residential Parenting Assessments: Uses, Costs and Contributions to Effective and Timely Decision Making in Public Law Cases. London: Department for Education
- Munro, E.R. and Stone, J. (2014) The Impact of More Flexible Assessment Practices in Response to the Munro Review of Child Protection: A Rapid Response Follow-up. London: Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre
- Munro, E.R., McDermid, S., Hollingworth, K. and Cameron, C. (2014) Children's Homes: Understanding the Market and Use of Out of Authority Placements. London: Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre
- Munro, E.R. and Gilligan, R. (2013) The 'dance' of kinship care in England and Ireland: Navigating a course between regulation and relationships. Psychosocial Intervention. 22(3) 3, 185-192 DOI:10.5093/in2013a22
Expert Advisory Roles
- Optimising the deLIvery of Mental health support to adolescents in care vIa low-inTensity LifE Story work: a realist evaluation with co-deSign and feasibility trial (LIMITLESS 2) (NIHR, 2024-)
- Young people transitioning from out-of-home care in Norway and Australia: Interrelationships between policies, pathways, and outcomes (Norwegian Research Council, 2023-)
- Improving outcomes for young people transitioning from out-of-home care (OOHC) in Victoria (Australian Research Council, 2022-)
- Research Group Advisory Committee for CoramBAAF (2017-)
- Research Advisory Group for the Rees Centre for Research in Fostering and Education (Oxford University, 2016- )
- Chair of the Executive Committee of the International Research Network on Transitions from Care to Adulthood (2017-2022)
- Transition from Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS): users and leavers co-produce a Transition Preparation Programme (Cambridge University, NIHR funded, 2015 - 2016)
- Doncaster Children’s Trust Expert Advisory Panel (Department for Education, 2014-2017)
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