Advanced entry

You can apply for direct entry into Year 2 or Year 3 of one of our courses if you have completed one of the following.

Foundation degree (completed in two years): enter in Year 3
HND: enter in Year 3
Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE): enter in Year 3
HNC: enter in Year 2
Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE): enter in Year 2

How to apply for advanced entry

  • When submitting an application through UCAS, you need to change the point of entry to either 2 (Year 2) or 3 (Year 3), as applicable
  • Once we have received your application, we will ask you to provide a transcript/list of units from your previous institution
  • The transcript/list and your application will then be sent to the course academic for a comparison
  • They will confirm if your previous units of study are similar enough to our own course for you to be offered a place through advanced entry
  • The deadline to apply for advanced entry via UCAS is usually mid/late January

Advanced entry onto our Nursing courses

We only accept a transfer onto Year 2 of our Nursing courses. Please submit an application through UCAS to be considered.

We will not accept applications for advance entry into Nursing if you had any academic fails in your previous Nursing course.

Please note we do not accept advanced entry for teacher training courses.


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(Monday-Friday 08:30-17:00)
+44 (0)1234 400 400

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