Diana Parton

Senior Lecturer

Diana Parton

I started my career as a PE teacher, training at Bedford College of Higher Education. Since qualifying I have taught in the independent sector and the state sector. Over the years I have progressed from the subject specialist teacher through to general primary teacher, pastoral deputy, and into headship. I went on to work for Bedfordshire Borough Council as a Primary Improvement Consultant, supporting local schools and teachers in the area of teaching and learning in primary education. I currently work part-time at the University of Bedfordshire and am seconded out to work at a local Primary School, where I am a dyslexia specialist teacher supporting the school with assessments for children with specific learning difficulties.

Other References


  • B.Ed Degree
  • Advanced Diploma in Dance in Education
  • M.A in Education (Management)
  • OCR Certificate in Teaching Learners with Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia)
  • Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy

Membership of Professional Bodies

  • NATE
  • HEA

Teaching Expertise

  • English
  • Art
  • SEND

Research Interests

  • Mentoring
  • Student teachers with disabilities
  • Reading (Literacy difficulties)

Research Projects

  • Placement experiences of student teachers with dyslexia
  • Consultancy: Developing the commercial proposition for a device for supporting children with reading difficulties

External Roles

  • I am a Governor for a local primary school


  • UNESCO’s International Standard Classification of Education: The Provision of Primary Education in England – Bloomsbury Publishing 2018)
  • Parton, D (2010). 'In the head activity' Reading Recovery Journal

Contact Details