Dr Wei Huang

Principal Lecturer in Computing and Information Systems

Wei Huang

Dr Wei Huang joined the University of Bedfordshire in November 2004 as a Lecturer (permanent position) and then became a Senior Lecturer in January 2007 and a Principal Lecturer in August 2012. He is an academic member of the Institute of Research for Applicable Computing (IRAC) in the School of Computer Science and Technology.

He has multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary research interests in Computer Science and Optimisation, Operations Research/Industrial Engineering, Software/Web Engineering, and Network Planning and Optimisation. Specifically, he has been involved in many research works in production scheduling and optimisation, computer network security countermeasure selection and optimisation, mobile network base station selection and optimisation, software engineering, mobile/web application development for SME, and adaptive planning for machining of complex low-rigidity components.

He also supervised and involved in a number of externally funded research projects including an EPSRC funded project (£60,864 starting in 2009 for three years) and KEEP project (£45,511 in 2006), He supervises four research students and He has near 40 publications (including 18 journal papers). He is the Guest Editor-in-Chief of a special issue for international Journal of Computer Application in Technology and has been internal and external examiners for a number of PhD students.

Dr Wei Huang was appointed as a Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham in the UK and had conducted post-doctoral research funded by British EPSRC for three years before he joined the University of Bedfordshire in 2004. He obtained his PhD degree from Computer Science Department of Loughborough University in the UK, and obtained his BSc and MSc degree from South China University of Technology.

  • EPSRC funded project – (£60,864). Dr Wei Huang is the principal project supervisor. The project involves the development of novel model and techniques for the selection and optimization of network security countermeasures. Having identified and analysed network vulnerabilities the work focuses on developing optimal strategies (solutions) to increase the network security and balance the conflicting multi-objectives such as the network risks and security investment costs. (2009-2012).
  • KEEP (Knowledge Partners East of England) project - £45,511 from East England Development Agency (EEDA) with the support of EXXCOM Ltd., a telecom and IT service provider. Dr Wei Huang is the principal supervisor for the project and a full time associate for 12 months (01/2006-12/2006). The project developed a novel lifecycle methodology for web application development in SME (Small Medium-sized Enterprise) like Exxcom and developed advanced graphical and tabular components to improve Exxcom’s reporting web services for telecommunication utilisation and cost analysis.
  • EPSRC funded project (at the University of Nottingham): Adaptive Planning for Machining of Complex Low-Rigidity Components (supported by five companies including Rolls-Royce and Siemens). Dr Wei Huang was a research fellow within this project and developed a novel numerical model and an advanced simulation system for the predication of part deflection of low-rigidity parts during machining.

  • A Malicious Software Detection Method based on API Call Sequences (First supervisor of a PhD student, 2014-18, who completed in 2018)
  • A Risk Assessment and Optimisation Model for Minimizing Network Security Risk and Cost (First supervisor of a PhD student, 2009-2012, who completed in 2012)
  • Recover-based Rescheduling and Optimisation for Batch Production Processes (First supervisor of a MSc by Research student, who completed in 2012)
  • Practical Models and Optimisation Methods for Inter-Cell Interference Coordination in Self-Organizing Cellular Networks (Second supervisor of a PhD student project completed in 2011).

Dr Wei Huang's PhD thesis is Scheduling of Batch Processing Plants: Constraint Model and Computer Scheduling System. This research project developed a constraint-based optimization model and approach for complex batch process scheduling problems and developed an optimisation system integrating a scheduler and a route planner that are able to schedule and reschedule batch processing plants including pipeless plants.

  • External examiner for a PhD student at Loughborough University, UK (2013)
  • External examiner for PhD students at De Montfort University, UK (2014, 2013, 2011 and 2007)
  • External examiner for PhD students at University of Huddersfield, UK (2019, 2013)
  • Internal examiner for PhD students at University of Bedfordshire (2018, 2013, 2011 and 2009)
  • Internal examiner for a MPhil student at University of Bedfordshire (2009)
  • Internal examiner for a MSc by research student at University of Bedfordshire (2012)
  • Conference session chair for the (IEEE) International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC2011, ICAC2012, ICAC2014).
  • Conference session chair for the 14th and 16th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC 2008 and ICAC2010).
  • Paper reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems (2014)
  • Paper reviewer for Decision Support Systems (208, 2017, 2014)
  • Paper reviewer for Applied Intelligence (2013, 2014)
  • Paper reviewer for Knowledge-Based Systems (2009)
  • Paper reviewer for Journal of Combinatorial Optimisation (2008)
  • Paper reviewer for IEEE Wireless Communication (2006)
  • Paper reviewer for the 16th European Conference on Information Systems (2008)
  • IPC member and paper reviewer for IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC07), London, UK, April 15-17, 2007.
  • Paper reviewer for Annual International Conference on Automation and Computing (2005 - present)
  • Paper reviewer for International Journal of Systems Science (2004)
  • Committee member of Chinese Automation and Computing Society in the UK (CACSUK) since 2004.

Dr Wei Huang teaches and facilitates learning across all undergraduate and postgraduate levels in terms of lectures, tutorials, seminars, practical sessions and project supervision. Some of the units which he is involved in teaching with are as follows:

  • Mobile Network Planning and Design
  • Mobile Applications
  • Object-Oriented Programming and Software Engineering
  • Applied Programming
  • E-Commerce: Tools and Techniques
  • Java, C# and .NET
  • XML and Web Services
  • Database

He is postgraduate (PG) Portfolio Leader in the school and contributes to the management of postgraduate courses”.

Dr Wei Huang
T: +44 (0)1582 743766


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