Dr Patricia Hynes
Reader in Forced Migration
Dr Patricia Hynes is a Reader in Forced Migration at the University of Bedfordshire.
Before undertaking an ESRC-funded PhD at Middlesex University focussing on asylum policy (awarded 2007) she was a Visiting Fellow at the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford (1995-1996).
She has published internationally including for the UNHCR, UNICEF, Routledge, Policy Press and high impact academic journals such as the Journal of Refugee Studies, Sociology and the International Journal of Human Rights. A key theme running through her published works relates to the issue of trust and/or mistrust in humanitarian contexts.
She is interested in forced migration in all its forms, particularly in relation to refugees, asylum seekers and people affected by human trafficking and the ethics of carrying out research with refugee and migrant populations.
Dr Hynes has a practitioner background with refugee populations in Southeast Asia, having worked with Vietnamese, Khmer and Lao refugees being resettled to third countries and Burmese refugees living in protracted refugee situations along the Thailand-Burma border and urban centres in India. She now utilises this background in her research and teaching, conducting applied research on topics related to her research interests.
She joined the University of Bedfordshire in October 2011 and took the role of Head of Department of Applied Social Studies between January 2013 and August 2016. She is now the Portfolio Lead for Postgraduate courses within this department.
She was recently the Principal Investigator for a four-country research study looking at 'vulnerability' to human trafficking from Albania, Viet Nam and Nigeria, in partnership with IOM. Prior to this she acted as joint-Principal Investigator for an evaluation of Independent Child Trafficking Advocates for the UK Home Office.
She sits on an array of advisory panels, including the Alliance 8.7 Knowledge Platform and for the UK Home Office. She has carried out consultancy for UNICEF and Save the Children International and has been an ESRC Rapporteur for research proposals since 2009. Recent presentations and keynotes included invited talks at the Speakers Forum of Glastonbury 2017, Community Care conferences and various universities in the UK and beyond.
Other References
- @pehynes
- LinkedIn profile
- BSA Sociology of Rights wiki
- Academia.edu: academia.edu/PatriciaHynes
- ResearchGate: www.researchgate.net/profile/Patricia_Hynes
- Senior Fellow of the HEA - University of Bedfordshire
- PhD by Doctoral Thesis - Middlesex University
- Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methods - Middlesex University
- Postgraduate Foundation Course in Forced Migration - University of Oxford
- BA (Hons), Third World Studies - Middlesex University
Teaching Role
- Doctoral and postgraduate roles:
- Forced migration
- Human rights
- Human trafficking
- Ethics
Research Interests
- Forced migration (human trafficking, refugees, asylum seekers, protracted refugee situations, migration from Burma)
- Human rights
- Ethics during the research process
Recent Research Projects
- Principal Investigator: 'Vulnerability' to Human Trafficking: A Study of Vietnam, Albania, Nigeria and the UK, Modern Slavery Innovation Fund, in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (2017-2019): www.beds.ac.uk/trafficking
- Co-Principal Investigator: Evaluating Independent Advocates for Trafficked Children Trial, Home Office (2014 - 2015)
- Developing global guidance on responses to sexual violence and exploitation of children in development and humanitarian contexts, UNICEF (2013 -2015)
- Child Trafficking and Global Points of 'Vulnerability': Community Knowledge and Understandings, 'Rising Star' Award, University of Bedfordshire, (2012-2013)
- Long term outcomes study into therapeutic interventions for children affected by sexual abuse: developing the evidence-base, NSPCC (2009-2011)
- Practitioners responses to the trafficking of children and young people, NSPCC and University of Bedfordshire (2008-2009)
Selected Service to the Academic/Professional Community
- Consultant to Save the Children International (UK and India): Child Protection training (2015)
- Consultant to UNICEF: Development of Global Guidance document and Desk Review on addressing child sexual exploitation and abuse in humanitarian, development and emergency contexts (2013-2014)
- Peer reviewer for: Social Inclusion (2014 ongoing); Child Abuse Review (2013 ongoing); Journal of Refugee Studies (2012 ongoing); International Journal of Human Rights (2012 ongoing); Journal of Social Work (2012 ongoing); Sociology (2011 ongoing); Asian & Pacific Migration Journal (2011 ongoing) and various other peer-reviewed journals
- Co-convenor of British Sociological Association (BSA) Study Group on the Sociology of Rights (2009-2014)
- Advisory Group member of research project on Provider Response, Treatment and Care for Trafficked People (PROTECT), National Institute for Health Research, King's College London's Institute for Psychiatry, University of Central Lancashire, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (2012 - 2015)
- Advisory Group member of Moving On? Integration and Onward Migration of Dispersed Refugees in the UK, ESRC and University of Strathclyde (2012 - 2015)
- Member of Research Ethics Committee, NSPCC (2010-2011)
- Advisory group member of research project on Undocumented Migrant Children, Centre on Migration, Policy & Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford (2010-2011)
- Advisory group member of research on therapeutic services for sexually abused children and young people (2009-2011)
- Rapporteur for ESRC end of award reports relating to refugee, asylum and migration research (2009 ongoing)
- Logistical arrangements provided to the International Labour Office (ILO) Commission of Inquiry into Forced Labour in Myanmar (1998)
- Provision of human rights information on Burma to Human Rights Watch/Asia (1996-2000)
Recent Publications
- Hynes, P., (2021), Introducing Forced Migration, Routledge, London and New York. Forthcoming - pre-order at Routledge
Pearce, J.J., Hynes, P. and S. Bovarnick, (2013), Trafficked Young People: Breaking the Wall of Silence, Routledge, London.
- Hynes, P., Lamb, M., Short, D. and M. Waites, (2013), (Eds.), New Directions in the Sociology of Human Rights, Routledge, London.
- Hynes, P., Lamb, M., Short, D. and M. Waites, (Eds.), (2011 hardback, 2012 paperback), Sociology and Human Rights, Routledge, London.
- Hynes, P., (2011), The Dispersal and Social Exclusion of Asylum Seekers: Between Liminality and Belonging, Policy Press, Bristol.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Hynes, P. (2017), Trust and Mistrust in the Lives of Forcibly Displaced Women and Children, in Families, Relationships & Societies, Vol.6, No.2, p.219-238.
- Vearey, J., Barter, C., Hynes, P. and McGinn, T., (2017), Research Ethics in Practice: Lessons from Studies Exploring Interpersonal Violence in Different Contexts, Families, Relationships and Societies, Vol.6, No.2, p.273-290.
- Hynes, P., (2015), No 'Magic Bullets': Children, Young People, Trafficking and Child Protection in the UK, International Migration, Vol.53(4), p.62-76.
- Allnock, D., Hynes, P. and M. Archibald, (2013), Self-Reported Experiences of Therapy Following Child Sexual Abuse: Messages from a Retrospective Survey of Adult Survivors, Journal of Social Work.
- Hynes, P., (2010), Global Points of 'Vulnerability': Understanding the Processes of the Trafficking of Children into, within and out of the UK, International Journal of Human Rights, Vol.14, No.6, p.949-967.
- Hynes, P., Lamb, M., Short, D. and M. Waites, (2010), Sociology and Human Rights: Confrontations, Evasions and New Engagements, The International Journal of Human Rights, Vol.14, No.6, p.810-830.
- Hynes, P., (2010), Understanding the 'Vulnerabilities', 'Resilience' and Processes of the Trafficking of Children and Young People into, within and out of the UK, Youth & Policy (special edition), Vol.104, p.97-118.
- Hynes, P., (2009), Contemporary Compulsory Dispersal and the Absence of Space for the Restoration of Trust, Journal of Refugee Studies, Vol.22, No.1, Oxford University Press, Oxford, p.97-121.
Special Issue Editorship
- Hynes, P., Lamb, M., Short, D. and M. Waites, (2012), Special Issue, The Sociology of Human Rights, Sociology, Vol.46, No.5
- Hynes, P., Lamb, M., Short, D. and M. Waites, (2012), Special Issue, New Directions in the Sociology of Human Rights, The International Journal of Human Rights, Vol.16, Issue 8
- Hynes, P., Lamb, M., Short, D. and M. Waites, (2010), Special Issue, Sociology and Human Rights: New Engagements, The International Journal of Human Rights, Vol.14, No.6
Working Papers
- Hynes, T., (2003), The Issue of 'Trust' or 'Mistrust' in Research with Refugees: Choices, Caveats and Considerations for Researchers, Working Paper No.98, Evaluation and Policy Analysis Unit, United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), Geneva www.unhcr.org/research/RESEARCH/3fcb5cee1.pdf
Book Chapters
- Hynes, P., (2018), The Sociology of Human Rights, in Ryan, M.J., (Ed.), Core Concepts in Sociology, Wiley-Blackwell, Farnham, Surrey.
- Hynes, P., (2016), Asylum and Human Trafficking, in Shalev Greene, K. and Alys, L. (Eds.), Missing Persons: A Handbook of Research, Ashgate Publishing Ltd., Farnham, Surrey.
- Hynes, P., (2013), Trafficking of Children and Young People: 'Community' Knowledge and Understandings, in Melrose, M. and J. Pearce (Eds.), Critical Perspectives on Child Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation, MacMillan, London.
- Hynes, P., (2010), Global Points of 'Vulnerability': Understanding the Processes of the Trafficking of Children into, within and out of the UK, in Sociology and Human Rights, Routledge, London.
- Hynes, P. and R. Sales, (2010), New Communities: Asylum Seekers and Dispersal, in Bloch, A. and J. Solomos (eds.), Race and Ethnicity in the 21st Century, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, ISBN: 978-0-230-00779-6.
- Harris, P., (1998), Myanmar, in Hampton, J. (ed.), Internally Displaced People: A Global Survey, London, Earthscan Publications
Selected Reports and Research Guides
- Hynes, P., Burland, P., Thurnham, A., Dew, J., Gani-Yusuf, L., Lenja, V. and Hong Thi Tran with Olatunde, A. and Gaxha, A., (2019), 'Between Two Fires': Understanding vulnerabilities and the Support Needs of People from Albania, Viet Nam and Nigeria who have experienced Human Trafficking into the UK, University of Bedfordshire and International Organization for Migration (IOM), London. www.beds.ac.uk/trafficking
- Hynes, P., Gani-Yusuf, L., Burland, P., Dew, J., Olatude, A., Thurnham, A., Brodie, I., Spring, D. and Murray, F., (2018), 'Vulnerability' to Human Trafficking: A Study of Viet Nam, Albania, Nigeria and the UK: Report of a Shared Learning Event held in Lagos, Nigeria, University of Bedfordshire and International Organization for Migration (IOM), London. www.beds.ac.uk/trafficking/nigeria
- Hynes, P., Burland, P., Dew, J., Hong Thi Tran, Priest, P., Thurnham, A., Brodie, I., Spring, D. and Murray, F. (2018), 'Vulnerability' to Human Trafficking: A Study of Viet Nam, Albania, Nigeria and the UK: Report of a Shared Learning Event held in Hanoi, Viet Nam, University of Bedfordshire and International Organization for Migration (IOM), London. www.beds.ac.uk/trafficking/vietnam
- Hynes, P., Burland, P., Dew, J., Lena, V., Gaxha, A., Thurnham, A., Brodie, I., Spring, D. and Murray, F. (2018), 'Vulnerability' to Human Trafficking: A Study of Viet Nam, Albania, Nigeria and the UK: Report of a Shared Learning Event held in Tirana, Albania, University of Bedfordshire and International Organization for Migration (IOM), London. www.beds.ac.uk/trafficking/albania
- Radford, L., Allnock, D. and P. Hynes (2015), Protecting Child and Adolescents from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Development and Emergency Contexts: Evidence Review, UNICEF, New York.
- Radford, L., Allnock, D. and P. Hynes (2015), Guidance on Preventing and Responding to Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Development and Humanitarian Contexts, UNICEF, New York.
- Kohli, R., Hynes, P., Connolly, H., Thurnham, A., Westlake, D. and D'Arcy, K., (2015), Evaluation of Independent Child Trafficking Advocates trial: Final Report, Research Report 86, Home Office, UK.
- Kohli, R., Hynes, P., Connolly, H., Thurnham, A., Westlake, D. and D'Arcy, K., (2015), Evaluation of Independent Child Trafficking Advocates trial: Interim Finding March 2015, University of Bedfordshire,UK.
- Allnock, D. and P. Hynes, (2011), Therapeutic Services for Sexually Abused Children and Young People: Scoping the Evidence Base, NSPCC, London
- Pearce, J.J., Hynes, P. and S. Bovarnick (2009), Breaking the Wall of Silence: Practitioners' Responses to Trafficked Children and Young People, NSPCC and University of Bedfordshire
- Hynes, P., (2006), The Compulsory Dispersal of Asylum Seekers and Processes of Social Exclusion, Summary of Findings, Middlesex University and ESRC, Swindon (English and translated into French, Arabic, Farsi, Kurdish and Somali)
- Hynes, P., (2003), Burma Research Guide, Forced Migration Online, Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford
Contact details
Room E402
Luton campus
University Square
Luton, Bedfordshire
T: +44 (0)1582 489649 ext. 9649
E: patricia.hynes@beds.ac.uk
Twitter: @pehynes
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