Exclusively for Postgraduate students
A recent addition to our Luton campus is our Postgraduate and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Centre which has been designed with our postgraduate student community in mind.
What's in the building?
The building is home for the University's postgraduate students and a centre for continuing professional development (CPD) students from industry. The building includes:
- 4,254m2 of space over 5 storeys
- State-of-the-art IT and AV equipment.
- Lecture theatres including two Harvard-style lecture theatres
- Informal learning spaces
- High level bridge links to the Business School
- Quiet study areas
- Café
- Student lounge
- 64% of the space will be dedicated to teaching, and the rest to social and support areas
The Postgraduate Centre launch
The Rt Hon David Willetts MP officially opened the Postgraduate and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Centre, we went along to film the event and got a guided tour of the building!
New Library at Luton campus
Opened Summer 2016, the new library at Luton was a £46m investment.
University switchboard
During office hours
(Monday-Friday 08:30-17:00)
+44 (0)1234 400 400
Outside office hours
(Campus Watch)
+44 (0)1582 74 39 89
International office
Student support