HCPC Practice Educators
Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy

You should be able to find all information and resources needed for occupational therapy and physiotherapy practice learning here.

If there is an issue with either a student or practice placement, please directly contact the University therapy or practice placement team without delay.

See contact details here

Clicking this card will take you to /healthpracticelearning/therapies/about-the-courses/
Clicking this card will take you to /healthpracticelearning/therapies/practice-learning-handbooks/
Clicking this card will take you to /healthpracticelearning/therapies/mandatory-training/
Clicking this card will take you to /healthpracticelearning/therapies/practice-assessment-docs/
Clicking this card will take you to /healthpracticelearning/therapies/recorded-practice-educator-sessions/
Clicking this card will take you to /healthpracticelearning/therapies/self-declaration/
Clicking this card will take you to /healthpracticelearning/therapies/additional-learning-needs/
Clicking this card will take you to /healthpracticelearning/therapies/giving-feedback-and-constructive-conversations/
Clicking this card will take you to /healthpracticelearning/therapies/student-resources/