Activity 7

Role of the Practice Supervisor, Practice Assessor and Academic Assessor in triangulating evidence

Lidster & Wakefield (2019) state that practice assessors have a clearly defined role requiring them to have a greater distance from students’ day to day support in order to increase the rigour of practice assessment decision-making. Practice assessors must maintain current knowledge and expertise for the proficiencies they are assessing and base their decisions in part on direct observation of students whilst not relying entirely on feedback from others. They will need to collect feedback from others including practice supervisors and the testimony of patients, clients and service users. In this way the practice assessor is triangulating information and evidence from a variety of sources to ensure that their assessment decision is objective and reliable. This process should also be undertaken so that the practice assessor can give an account of how they came to their decision about the performance of a student.

Return to activity 7 in part 1 and activity 2 in part 2

  1. Review your responses and notes to both activities by imagining yourself in the role of practice assessor.
  2. Think about how you would triangulate evidence in order to come to a sound, objective judgement about your student's performance.
  3. Determine whether you would be able to give an account of how you came to your assessment decision to your student, academic assessor and other practice supervisors.

Here is an interesting video on triangulation:

"Take 5" Reflection - 'Must'

Write your notes in the 'Must' row of your reflection template

  • What must I do now to address my learning needs?
  • Who must I speak to, to assist me in creating my own learning and development plan?
  • What values must I explore in order to become the Practice Assessor that I wish to become?


Congratulations! you have now completed Part 2!

Download Self-declaration form (Part 2) [PDF]

NMC - Nursing

Preparation and Support for Practice Supervisors and Practice Assessors

For further help or information please email:

Dr Mark Wareing
Director of Practice Learning


Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
School of Healthcare Practice
Aylesbury Campus
Mary Seacole Building
Stoke Mandeville Hospital
HP21 8AL