Activity 7

Student scenarios

Work through the following scenarios:

Scenario 1

Your student tells you that he/she has been chatting on Facebook with a patient from your clinical area.

The patient had searched for and found the student on Facebook and had sent a friend request which the student accepted.

The patient has begun to ask questions related to their illness, and is seeking general health advice. The student wants to help the patient and has given some advice, but wants to clarify some information with you.

As a Practice Supervisor decide how you would support the student?

With reference to the previous activity, do you think that a cause for concern is warranted? If so, why; if not why not?

Scenario 2

As Julie’s Practice Supervisor you have approached a patient anonymously to obtain feedback on the patient experience of being cared for by your student

The patient replies that she would ‘never want to be nursed by her again’.

How would you respond to the patient's comment?

To what extent might the comment from the patient be taken into account in relation to the completion of Julie's assessment?

Scenario 3

Your student contacts you via a social networking site and sends a ‘friend request’ Should you accept?

What action would you take as Julie's Practice Supervisor?

Access the menu on the left-hand side of this site for suggested responses to each scenario.

"Take 5" Reflection - 'Must'

Return to your reflection template:

Write your notes in the 'Must' row of your reflective template.


  • What must I do now to address my learning needs?
  • Who must I speak to, to assist me in creating my own learning and development plan?
  • What values must I explore in order to become the Practice Supervisor that I wish to become?


Congratulations! you have now completed Part 1!

Please download, complete a 'self-declaration form' by following the instructions within the form.

Download Self-declaration form (Part 1) [PDF]

NMC - Nursing

Preparation and Support for Practice Supervisors and Practice Assessors

For further help or information please email:

Dr Mark Wareing
Director of Practice Learning


Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
School of Healthcare Practice
Aylesbury Campus
Mary Seacole Building
Stoke Mandeville Hospital
HP21 8AL