Introduction & Instructions

Technical requirements

You will need a PC, Laptop or iPAD with the speakers switched 'on'.

Alternatively, you can use a pair of earbuds or headphones. Some users have found that the 'Chrome' web browser works best when accessing the resources.

Take notes

You will need to take notes! This can be done using an ordinary notepad and pen, or you can 'copy and paste' the activity (text) and add your responses and notes into a MS word document.

"Take 5" Reflection

Throughout Part 1 and Part 2 you will be required to stop and think about your thoughts, ideas, beliefs and values as a Practice Supervisor and/or Practice Assessor and make notes as you go along using a reflective template that you can fill in and use as evidence for NMC revalidation.

Download Reflective Template (part 1) [PDF]

You will be given some prompts to to help you assemble your thoughts and deal with anything that has surprised or puzzled you. Try not to spend too much time on this...just take 5 mins!

Start Here

  • Practice Supervisor: Complete Part 1
  • Practice Assessor: Complete Part 1 and Part 2
Practice Supervisor & Practice Assessor
Part One
Practice Assessor
Part Two

NMC - Nursing

Preparation and Support for Practice Supervisors and Practice Assessors

For further help or information please email:

Dr Mark Wareing
Director of Practice Learning


Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
School of Healthcare Practice
Aylesbury Campus
Mary Seacole Building
Stoke Mandeville Hospital
HP21 8AL