Activity 5

Personal development planning and becoming the Practice Supervisor / Practice Assessor you want to become

Watch this video clip:

In the light of the central messages within Stephen Covey’s work:

  1. Review your two pieces of reflection (from part 1 and part 2…so far!).
  2. To what extent have you ‘reacted’ to rather than reflected on the content contained within the site?
  3. To what extent have you sought to be proactive in relation to supporting learners as a practice supervisor?
  4. To what extent have you sought to be proactive in relation to becoming a practice assessor?

Now watch part 2:

5. Choose at least two of Stephen Covey’s ‘habits’ and explore why the adoption of a new habit might enable you to become the practice assessor you wish to become.

6. Now return to your pieces of reflection and edit them in response to the completion of this activity.

"Take 5" Reflection - 'More'

Write your notes in the 'More' row of your reflection template

  • What questions have been generated from the site so far?
  • What ideas have been generated from the site so far?
  • What has surprised or puzzled me so far?
  • What do I need to find more information about as a result of working through the site?

NMC - Midwifery

Preparation and Support for Practice Supervisors and Practice Assessors

For further help or information please email:

Dr Mark Wareing
Director of Practice Learning


Faculty of Health & Social Sciences
School of Healthcare Practice
Aylesbury Campus
Mary Seacole Building
Stoke Mandeville Hospital
HP21 8AL