Guidelines for research proposal
Your proposal should include the following elements:
- A title for your research project
- What key words best describe your proposal
- Research context
- Some background about the specific setting you will be working in
- Rationale for this study
- Significance of the study (how it may change the way people in this context do or think about…)
- Brief overview of the most relevant literature
- Key experts in the field and their key research findings
- How your work will link to (support or challenge) the work of others
- How your study may add new insights to the research literature
- Research question(s)
- A simple, focused question that can be answered with the evidence from your study
- Methods/Approach
- How you plan to collect data to answer your research question(s)
- How you plan to analyse that data
- Logistics
- Is your research going to be manageable in the time allocated (e.g. 3 years full-time)?
- Where will you find the data you need? How do you get access to that data?
- Any anticipated problems?
- Provide a rough timetable for your study
Professor Tony Green
Director of CRELLA
University of Bedfordshire
Putteridge Bury
Hitchin Road
Luton, Bedfordshire
+44 (0)1582 489086