PG Forum Timetable 2016-2017

2016-2017 Term 3 (Wed 14:00-15:00, PB113)

26 April 2017Gwendydd CaudwellInvestigating the English spoken production of young learners aged 13-15 (PP2 Presentation)
17 May 2017Dr Roy WilsonThe PTE Academic and Outer Circle Students: Assessing Proficiency in English, Ownership of English, and Academic Performance at UK Universities
24 May 2017Dr Daniel LamViva Survival Training with a Viva Survivor (*Venue: PB117)
7 June 2017Hosam DarwishData session
6 July 2017 (Thu)CRELLACRELLA Summer Research Seminar

2016-2017 Term 2 (Wed 14:00-15:00, PB113)

11 January 2017Dr Daniel LamOpen session - Looking back, looking forward
25 January 2017Nuzhat JafariNVivo demonstration
8 February 2017

Tanzeela Anbreen

Keystroke logging (Inputlog) demonstration
8 February 2017

Caroline Lomas

Pebble+ Training
22 February 2017Dr John FieldHow to write (and not to write) a PhD thesis
8 March 2017CRELLACRELLA Spring Research Seminar
14 March 2017 (Tue)Edit FiczerePresentation: "How do CEFR B2-C2 level speakers show their pragmatic competence by adjusting language to context?"

2016-2017 Term 1 (Wed 14:00-15:00, PB113) 

20 October 2016Dr Daniel LamIntroduction
26 October 2016Dr Chihiro InouePredatory journals
2 November 2016Dr Daniel LamLiterature Review (1)
9 November 2016Dr Daniel LamLiterature Review (2)
16 November 2016Dr Sathena ChanIntroduction to SPSS (1)*
23 November 2016Dr Chihiro InoueIntroduction to SPSS (2)*
30 November 2016CRELLACRELLA Winter Research Seminar

* 1:00-3:00pm, Training room 2 (3rd Floor), Bedford Campus Library


Professor Tony Green
Director of CRELLA
University of Bedfordshire
Putteridge Bury
Hitchin Road
Luton, Bedfordshire


+44 (0)1582 489086