PG Forum timetable 2014

2013-2014 Term 3 (14:00 - 15:00)

7 May 2014 (PB117)

Dr. Sathena Chan: Research methods of investigating reading and writing processes 

14 May 2014 (PB117)

Prof. Stephen Bax: Online tools to research lexis

21 May 2014 (PB117)

Yumiko Moore: Investigating the constructs measured by EAP writing tests for use in Japanese university entrance examinations

28 May 2014 - No PG Forum (ELATA at Warwick)

4 June 2014 - No PG Forum (LTRC at Amsterdam)

11 June 2014 (PB117) - Discussion session

18 June 2014 (PB117)

Weenat Ganjanarode: Bilingual home tuition among Thai children

25 June 2014 (PB117) - No PG Forum (Supervisor's Away Day)

2 July 2014 (PB117) - No PG Forum (CRELLA Summer Research Seminar on 3/7)

9 July 2014 (PB117)

Shumaila Aijaz: How does my study respond to the research questions?

16 July 2014 (PB117)

Dr. Lynda Taylor: Developing your academic presentation skills: How to deliver a good conference paper

23 July 2014 (PB117) - Group check-in session

30 July 2014 (PB117)

Nicola Latimer: Investigating the cognitive processes of integrated reading-into-writing tasks


Professor Tony Green
Director of CRELLA
University of Bedfordshire
Putteridge Bury
Hitchin Road
Luton, Bedfordshire


+44 (0)1582 489086