2016 CRELLA Summer Research Seminar

7th July, 2016

Theme: Teachers’ Assessment Literacy Enhancement

Rebecca Hughes (Director of International Education, British Council / Honorary Professor of Applied Linguistics and International Education, University of Nottingham)

Language assessment in the global education policy landscape

Neil Jones (formerly Assistant Director, Research and Validation, Cambridge English Language Assessment)

Learning Oriented Assessment: a systemic approach

Luke Harding (Senior Lecturer, Lancaster University) & Benjamin Kremmel (University of Innsbruck / University of Nottingham)

Developing a language assessment literacy survey for use across different contexts - PDF 762.4 KB

Tony Green (Professor in Language Assessment, CRELLA, University of Bedfordshire)

Teachers Assessment Literacy Enhancement Needs Analysis

Liz Hamp-Lyons (Distinguished Professor of Education and Language, the Open University of Hong Kong)

The impact of teachers’ concerns on assessment innovation

Ludmila Kozhevnikova (Assistant Professor of Foreign Language Education, Samara State University)

Making a Difference: Exploring the impact of the Tempus- ProSET Project - PPT 9.4 MB

Gudrun Erickson (Professor of Education in Language and Assessment, University of Gothenburg)

The balancing act of assessment – Enhancing learning and fairness - PDF 153.2 KB


Professor Tony Green
Director of CRELLA
University of Bedfordshire
Putteridge Bury
Hitchin Road
Luton, Bedfordshire



+44 (0)1582 489086