Stefan O'Grady

PhD in Language Learning and Assessment (Graduated 2018)

Stefan O'Grady

Current role

I completed the PhD in 2018 and have since been working in an English medium university in Turkey where I do assessment validation work.

The skills I acquired during PhD studies have proved directly applicable in my current role and have also opened doors to new opportunities. 

How my course benefited me

I enrolled as a student at the Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment (CRELLA) in 2013 having met my primary PhD supervisor at a workshop that same year. I was interested in second language speaking proficiency and with my supervisory team conducted a study to investigate speaking assessments for English medium university admissions.

During my time at CRELLA, I had the opportunity to work both remotely and on-site with the wonderful staff to gain the expertise in research methods that enabled me to conduct research at the PhD level. I was introduced to key ideas in the field and found my supervisory team very insightful and supportive.

My best memories of completing the PhD at CRELLA are the times I was able to sit and discuss my research with the lecturers and other students. The environment was always friendly and people were genuinely interested in discussing experiences of conducting research into language assessment.

Campus life

I always enjoyed visiting Putteridge Bury campus, it's spacious and a quiet place to work, although I mostly studied remotely.


Professor Tony Green
Director of CRELLA
University of Bedfordshire
Putteridge Bury
Hitchin Road
Luton, Bedfordshire


+44 (0)1582 489086