Singanayagam Umashankar

PhD in Language Learning and Assessment (Graduated 2017)

Singanayagam Umashankar

Current role

I am working as Head of Department of English Language Teaching, Eastern University, Sri Lanka where I am responsible for the teaching and assessment of English of undergraduates following various courses in different fields of study.

As the Head of the Department, I'm leading a team of permanent academic and non-academic staff members along with visiting academics. I am also responsible for planning and conducting extension English courses to cater the demand of the community. I started here as an Instructor in English in November 2003 and am a Senior Lecturer in English at present.

How my course benefited me

I started a PhD in English Language Assessment in 2011. This helped me immensely in my academic and professional career. Now, I am a researcher with immense confidence and understanding of what I am doing and able to bring ideas to life in the field of English language teaching, learning and assessment.

I should certainly say if it wasn’t for CRELLA/University of Bedfordshire, I would not have reached this height. What I studied at CRELLA, as well as the wonderful opportunities my Director of Studies (Prof. Anthony Green), Supervisors (Prof. Lynda Taylor, Dr. Sathena Chan, Dr. Daniel Lam,), other researchers (Dr. John Field, Dr. Fumiyo Nakatsuhara, Dr. Chihiro Inoue) my examiner (Prof. Cyril Weir) provided me in terms of supervisory meetings, post-graduate forums, personal communications, research conferences, study tours and work experience not only secured my PhD, but are continuing to pay dividends even after I graduated in 2017.

Campus life

I was very impressed with the facilities you have all within the campus: 24/7 services including library facilities, shuttle bus services taking you to various campuses from the main campus at Luton, student support services and ICT and in addition city centres and train and bus services were readily available. A park nearby and all the amenities you needed are in easy reach in most of the campuses of University of Bedfordshire.

The first experience of living away from home (Sri Lanka) and meeting people from all over the globe were challenging but I honestly believe that this wonderful experience has helped me shape who I am today.

My future aspirations

To work with my research supervisors and other researchers at CRELLA in English language development projects in Sri Lanka where English is taught as a second language.

My top tips

If you're thinking of studying at the University you should do it, it's in a great location, has a fantastic campus, and a range of facilities. The University has all the factors you need and could want to ensure an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. I still want to come back and meet my research supervisors, friends in the library and others to enjoy and refresh the beautiful memories.


Professor Tony Green
Director of CRELLA
University of Bedfordshire
Putteridge Bury
Hitchin Road
Luton, Bedfordshire


+44 (0)1582 489086