Professor Glenn Fulcher

Visiting Professor in Education and Language Assessment

I am Emeritus Professor of Education and Language Assessment at the University of Leicester, and Visiting Professor at CRELLA. I hold a first degree, masters, and associate of King’s College London in Theology and Greek, a PGCE from Christ’s College Cambridge, an MA in Applied Linguistics from Birmingham, and a PhD in language testing from Lancaster. I have been on the editorial boards of many journals and served as editor of Language Testing for nine years, remaining as podcast editor until 2021. I have also served as President of the International Language Testing Association. In 2022 I was made a Fellow of the UK Academy of Social Sciences

I have worked with a range of international language testing agencies in a consultancy role. The most longstanding of these is Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the US. From 2001 – 2005 I sat on the TOEFL Committee of Examiners (CoE) and chaired their research committee from 2003, overseeing CoE funded research on the TOEFL iBT test design and roll-out.

I have published 7 books and over 100 research papers. My h-index is 35. In 2011 I won the ILTA article award for “Test Architecture, Test Retrofit” published in Language Testing. In 2016 I won the SAGE/ILTA book award jointly for the monograph Re-examining Language Testing: A philosophical and social inquiry (Routledge), and the edited volume The Routledge Handbook of Language Testing.

Although I have published widely in applied linguistics and language testing, the focus of my research has been on the assessment of speaking, rating scale design, language assessment literacy (LA)), and the philosophy of assessment. In 2009 I was a Leverhulme Research Fellow, during which time I developed a model of LAL that was published in 2012.

Following an 11-year career as a language teacher I started to teach applied linguistics and language testing in Higher Education. I have held academic posts at the Universities of Surrey, Dundee, and Leicester. In 2014 I was awarded a Higher Education Academy National Teaching Fellowship for contributions to assessment literacy, teacher education, and information dissemination through my website: Language Testing Resources

I have supervised countless MA dissertations and some 20 PhD dissertations. I have also had the pleasure of co-supervising doctoral dissertations at universities which were in the process of setting up their own doctoral programmes, primarily in Thailand.

I have given hundreds of invited presentations and seminars around the world. Of particular importance, in 2021 I gave the Messick Memorial Lecture at the Language Testing Research Colloquium, awarded by ETS, in which I reviewed current validity theories in the post-Messick consensus era.


Professor Tony Green
Director of CRELLA
University of Bedfordshire
Putteridge Bury
Hitchin Road
Luton, Bedfordshire


+44 (0)1582 489086