Why do we use Turnitin?

The University uses Turnitin to ensure that students’ work is original and does not come from sources such as: the internet, other students’ assignments or content not written by students. Turnitin is not a plagiarism detector, but rather a tool to assist academic colleagues in ensuring the quality of students’ work. The use of Turnitin is covered as a legitimate purpose of academic practice.

Downloading and uploading work to Turntin

Staff should ensure that they clear any downloads of assignments from BREO after they have been submitted into Turnitin.

Requests from other institutions

Colleagues may receive requests from other institutions and users of Turnitin. There is an option to automatically respond to requests. Colleagues should remember that responding to such requests reveals the entire papers’ contents to a third party; this may include details of the student and potentially other data which may be of a sensitive nature. If the request involves a small match (e.g. 10% or less) it should be dismissed.

If the request shows a significant match to one of your student’s classes then contact breosupport@beds.ac.uk for advice and support.


Centre for Learning Excellence
University of Bedfordshire
University Square
Luton, Bedfordshire

