Networking Skills

Improve your graduate prospects by becoming an expert networker

Networking Skills

You will need to be confident networking in many graduate employment areas, especially Media, Business and E commerce.

This course will be useful if you want to:

  • Learn about verbal, physical and written communication and personal branding
  • Develop your social skills
  • Set up your own business on graduating
  • Enter graduate work where meeting new people is part of the daily routine

Course details

  • Location - TBC
  • Start date - TBC
  • Duration - 6 weeks
  • Attendance - 2 hours per week
  • Cost - this unit is free of charge for current University of Bedfordshire students


  • Find out what networking skills are, why they are needed and what your networks are
  • Meet media professionals who will give an insight into their professional experience
  • Meet business professionals who will give their insight into networking effectively
  • Networking event - put your skills into practice and prepare your presentation
  • Assessment week - consider what you have learnt and how to apply this to your future work-life

Assessment method

Individual 10 minute presentation: reflection on knowledge gained and actions for the future.

Entry requirements

This unit is available to registered University of Bedfordshire students studying at Level 4 or above. Students on level 8 or research courses will not be eligible to undertake the units.

Terms & Conditions - Networking Skills

Minimum requirement of classroom attendance for this Unit: 9 hours

I am aware that I have signed to accept the University’s Terms and Conditions in connection with my registration on my course of academic study. I accept that these will continue to apply as may be appropriate to my registration on this Employability Unit, except as supplemented or amended below. I acknowledge I have consented that the University may share my personal data with certain specified third parties and I further consent that this will apply equally to my registration on the Employability unit.

I understand and accept as follows:

  • my entitlement to register on the Employability Unit is as a student on a taught course of the University at level 4, 5, 6, or 7.
  • that I may register on no more than two Employability units in one Academic Year.
  • that I will incur no liability for additional tuition fees by registering on the Employability unit.
  • upon satisfactory completion of the Employability Unit as determined by the Short Course Approval Panel Exam Board, my award will be as a pass or fail (i.e. not graded) and if a ‘pass’, then it will have a maximum value of 5 academic credits.
  • any credit awarded for the Employability unit will not count towards an award that may later be made for my academic course of study and it will not feature in my transcript for this. My registration and any credit gained for this and other Employability units will be included on a separate supplementary transcript reciting such awards, unless I have withdrawn in the manner detailed in the following clause).
  • by registering on the Employability unit I accept that the outcome will feature on the supplementary transcript, whether pass or fail, unless I have written to formally withdraw from the registration to, within 14 calendar days of the date of signing these Terms and Conditions.
  • I will not be eligible for consideration of passing the Employability Unit unless the University’s records show I have attended classroom sessions of at least the minimum number of hours shown above.
  • all assessment in the Employability Unit will be on the basis of a single attempt and no referral or re-sit opportunities will be allowed.
  • Mitigation processes and policies do not apply to the Employability Unit and the timing and administration of assessment will be as determined by the University at its sole discretion.
  • the unit may be withdrawn at any stage, including after registration in extenuating circumstances. In this event I will receive attendance certification ONLY.

I understand and agree to the above terms and conditions.