Computing Competences: Innovative learning approach for non-IT students

- Title: Computing Competences. Innovative learning approach for non-IT students
- Funding Programme: EU ERASMUS +
- Duration of the Project: 34 months
- EC Co-financing: 213,362 EUR
- Start Date: 1st October 2018
Aims and Objectives
The project is a partnership between the University of Silesia the EDU-RES foundation (both Poland), Catholic University of Murcia (Spain), University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy) and the University of Bedfordshire (UK).
European Strategy 2020 stressed an importance of 'Smart Growth' which includes developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation. There is a need to increase the competencies in programming, coding and computational thinking skills, especially for non-IT specialists. Thus the aim of the project in to increase innovation and interdisciplinarity of higher education through the development of programming courses for non-IT students.
The specific objectives
- To strengthen cooperation between partner institutions and increase their internationalisation through the exchange of good practice in jointly developed educational materials
- To evaluate the effectiveness of the programming courses in four European Universities
- To promote an idea of open education and open software
- To enhance the quality and relevance of students' knowledge
The target audience will be non-IT students from four countries who will be testing and evaluating a newly developed course.
- Interactive online course consisting of 12 introductory and 30 main lessons
- Programming exercises (210 in total)
- Automatic evaluation system
The free programming course is available for all interested parties through e-learning platform.
Project News and Updates
- CC Infinite 2021 Transnational Meeting in a Virtual Space
- CC Infinite official website is now live, with detailed information on project's description, partners meetings and project's results:
- Online course in programming
- Methodology for non-IT students
- Programming exercises
Contact Information
Professor Yanqing Duan
T: +44 (0)1582 743134
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(Monday-Friday 08:30-17:00)
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