Past Events
View/download the list of CRiL seminars for 2023-2024 [PDF]
12 June 2024
Green Economy and Investment Arbitration by Dr Ivan Čavdarević, Lecturer in Law, Oxford Brookes University
29 May 2024
Third-Party Litigation Funding (TPLF) and the Role of Market in Facilitating Access to Justice by Dr Adriani Dori, Academic Researcher, Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Genoa
16 April 2024
Business and Human Rights and Adjudicatory Jurisdiction: Promises and Pitfalls of Harmonisation by Dr Uglješa Grušić, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, UCL
10 April 2024
The New Frontiers of Trade and Environment Disputes at the WTO by Dr Henok Asmelash, Assistant Professor, Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham
20 March 2024
UK Law and Nazi collaborators: the Failure of Justice by Prof. Jon Silverman, Emeritus Professor of Media & Criminal Justice, University of Bedfordshire
13 March 2024
The ‘Arbitralization’ of Courts: The Role of International Commercial Arbitration in the Establishment and the Procedural Design of International Commercial Courts by Dr Georgia Antonopoulou, Assistant Professor, Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham
28 February 2024
Fraud and International Arbitration in Light of P&ID Case: What Lessons must we learn? by Dr Hakeem Seriki, Associate Professor in Commercial/Trade Law, University of East Anglia
View/download the list of CRiL seminars for 2022-2023 [PDF]
14 June 2023
Africa and Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Current Challenges and the Path Forward by Mouhamed Kebe, Managing Partner Geni & Kebe, Dakar, Senegal
24 May 2023
“Bacha Bazi” During Irregular Migration to Europe: Assessing Sexual Exploitation of Afghan Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children and Young Adults by PhD Student Zabihullah Obaidy, University of Bedfordshire
10 May 2023
Cultural Relativism, the Values of Eastern Civilisations and the
Universality of Human Rightsby Prof. Surya Subedi, OBE, KC, Professor of International Law, University of Leeds Law School
29 March 2023
The Essence of Fundamental Rights in UK Public Law by Dr Darren Harvey, Lecturer in Law, School of Law, Kings College London
8 March 2023
The tragedy of International Environmental Law - Where Next? by Dr Stephen Turner, Senior Lecturer/Co-director Postgraduate Research Essex Law School and Human Rights Centre
View/download the list of CRiL seminars for 2021-2022 [PDF]
15 June 2022
Recent developments in State practice towards mixed migration fluxes by PhD Student Ms Clare Susannah Farmer, University of Bedfordshire
25 May 2022
The immigration legal aid market by Dr Jo Wilding, Visiting Research Fellow, University of Brighton
11 May 2022
The historical origins of the duty to save life at sea by Professor Irini Papanicolopulu, University of Milano Bicocca (Italy)
20 April 2022
What reparations for historical injustices? by Professor Chiara Vitucci, Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy)
16 March 2022
Family reunification for beneficiaries of subsidiary protection: Are states' restrictive policies justified? by Ms Claudia Zugno, University of Bedfordshire
9 February 2022
Challenging the Right to Offend Religious Sensibilities in the Face of Foreseeable Harm, by Dr Ryan Hill, Anglia Ruskin University
View/download the list of CRiL seminars for 2020-2021 [PDF]
9 JUNE 2021
Racial violence before the European Court of Human Rights by Prof Mathias Möschel, Central European University (Austria)
26 MAY 2021
Humanitarian assistance towards migrants and refugees: setting borders under international law between solidarity and criminality by Dr Giorgia Bevilacqua, Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy)
12 MAY 2021
Forced Migration in the Mediterranean: What Responsibilities for Private Vessels? by Dr Jean-Pierre Gauci, British Institute of International and Comparative Law
21 APRIL 2021
The dispute over the immunity of classification societies: an old and new debate by Dr Simone Carrea, Universitá degli Studi di Genova (Italy)
24 MARCH 2021
Does the Home Office follow the rule of law? by Sheona York, Kent Law School
10 MARCH 2021
The US withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Trea-ty by Dr Maria Xiouri, University of Bedfordshire
View or download the list of CRiL seminars for 2019-2020 [PDF]
3 JUNE 2020
Rebuilding Babel: Questioning the Impact of the ICC Interpretation on the Provision of Language Services as Part of Fair Trial Guarantees by Dr Narissa Ramsundar, Canterbury Christ Church University
20 MAY 2020
Execution in a Digital Age– What is a Signature? By Paul Wright, Barrister, 9 Stone Building
7 MAY 2020
The Protection of Sexual Orientation in International Law: Between the Principles of Non Discrimination and Human Dignity by Prof Maria Chiara Vitucci, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
18 MARCH 2020 - postponed due to coronavirus outbreak
4 MARCH 2020
The EU and the Quest for Solidarity Towards Asylum Seekers by Dr Rossella Pulvirenti, Liverpool John Moore University and Dr Elena Gualco, University of Bedfordshire
26 FEBRUARY 2020
Disappearing Trial – The Global Spread of Plea Bargaining and its Impact on Human Rights and the Rule of Law by Jago Russell, Chief Executive, Fair Trials. Chair: Prof Jon Silverman, University of Bedfordshire
Power to the People? Public Spaces Protection Orders Hybrid Law and Human Rights by Dr Ben Stanford, Coventry University
European Asylum Policy by Prof Nuno Ferreira, University of Sussex
The Duty to Rescue at Sea in the Case of Sea Watch 3: An Italian Affair Only?, 3 November 2020
This webinar [PDF] was organised by the University of Naples L'Orientale in conjunction with the Centre for Research in Law of the University of Bedfordshire. It started from a compelling interview which summarised the main events that led to the creation of a 'Sea Watch 3' case.
This laid the ground for the following discussion on the issue of Search & Rescue (S&R ) operations in the Mediterranean, with specific reference to the duty to rescue at sea under international law and the position of Italy in the case at stake in light of the so-called 'Salvini Decrees' criminalising S&R operations.
The issue of S&R operations and deaths at sea in the context of the English Channel was also addressed, highlighting how safe and legal routes to protection constitute the only way to avoid refugees' deadly journeys to reach sanctuary.
The webinar benefited from the participation of Ms Haidi Sadik, member of the Sea Watch 3 crew); Dr Elena Gualco (Lecturer in Law at the University of Bedfordshire; presentation prepared with Dr Silvia Borelli, Principal Lecturer in Public International Law at the University of Bedfordshire); and Giuseppe Cataldi (Professor in International Law at the University of Naples L'Orientale).
CRiL and School of Law Rapid Response Round Table on Syria Airstrikes, 25 April 2018
The Round Table looked at the on-going developments in Syria and the involvement of coalition forces from both a constitutional law angle (royal prerogative, parliamentary sovereignty) and the international law perspective (Responsibility to Protect, individual criminal responsibility, response from coalition forces, accountability mechanisms for international crimes), as well as to the response of the media in the Syrian crisis.
The Round Table benefited from the participation of Dr Andreas Yiannaros (Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Bedfordshire), Dr Barbara Sonczyk (Lecturer in Law, University of Bedfordshire), Rossella Pulvirenti (Lecturer in Law, University of Bedfordshire) and Dr Ben Stanford (Lecturer in Law, University of Coventry).
Expert Roundtable: “A Minor’s Journey Across Europe: From Age Assessment to Family Reunion”, 12 July 2017
The Roundtable explored, discussed and elaborated possible solutions to improve the protection of unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors and to ultimately ensure their right to be reunited with their families. The status, rights and protection of unaccompanied minors in the EU space has traditionally been a highly controversial topic owing to their vulnerability and resulting particular needs as unsupervised and abandoned children, prone to human trafficking and other forms of modern slavery. In this context, EU States have sought to reconcile restrictive domestic immigration policies with broader EU legislation, while struggling to give effect to the ‘best interests’ of unaccompanied minors on their territory and delineate the basis of a legal entitlement to family reunion for child refugees. The UK is no exception. Many stakeholders have decried the shortcomings of age assessment policies, and criticised the lack of a right to family reunion for those who may be in most need of it – unaccompanied minors.
Speakers: Ravi Kohli, University of Bedfordshire; Stewart MacLachlan, CORAM; Sarah Pinder, Goldsmith Chambers; Elena Gualco, University of Bedfordshire; Judith Dennis, Refugee Council; Anna Skehan, Islington Law Centre; Helen Mead, British Red Cross; Jo Wilding, Garden Court Chambers and University of Brighton; Ashahul Ali, University of Bedfordshire; Silvia Borelli, University of Bedfordshire; Fiona Cameron, Nottingham Refugee Forum; Vanessa Cowan, British Red Cross; Brian Cunningham, BRASS; Greg O' Ceallaigh, Garden Court Chambers; and Bryony Poynor, Garden Court Chambers.
Annual CRiL Conference on "Rebalancing International Investment Agreements in Favour of Host States", 29 June 2016
On 29 June 2016, CRiL hosted its annual summer research conference on the role of Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) and the proposal for an international investment court.
The conference featured eight presentations from practitioners and academics who brought their own unique perspectives to discuss a very timely topic.
The conference was well-attended by staff, students and practitioners which provoked a very lively discussion and debate. More information on Eventbrite
CRiL Workshop on the "Arctic Sunrise" Arbitration, 13 April 2016
CRiL visiting fellow, Dr Maria-Chiara Noto chaired a special seminar on "Acts of Protest at Sea: The Implications of the 'Arctic Sunrise' Arbitration".
The seminar featured three expert speakers who each brought a unique perspective to the debate.
Jasper Teulings (Greenpeace International) spoke first and commented on his experience during the arbitration and the human rights implications of the incident. Professor Lorenzo Schiano Di Pepe (University of Genova) then analysed the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and discussed the measures that States can legitimately adapt. Finally, Simon Olleson (13 Old Square Chambers) picked apart several of the more complex legal issues during the arbitration.
CRiL Workshop on The New Frontiers of Parenthood: Legal Challenges and Opportunities, 7 July 2015
CRiL held a multidisciplinary one-day symposium on "New Frontiers in Parenthood" on 7 July 2015. Organised by Dr Andreas Yiannaros, the Symposium provided an opportunity for academics, researchers and practitioners to engage in a multidisciplinary conversation on the changing nature of parenthood and its implications in legal and ethical terms.
For more information see Eventbrite
CRiL Research Seminars (2014-15)
Ben Stanford, 15 April 2015
Doctoral student within CRiL, presented a paper on "Counter-Terrorism and the State of Perpetual Quasi-Emergency".
Dr Maria Chiara Noto, 4 February 2015
Post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Parma and Visiting Fellow at CRiL, presented a paper on "Violent Protest at Sea: 'Ecopiracy' or sui generis offence?".
Chrispas Nyombi, 7 January 2015
Lecturer within CRiL and former Visiting Lecturer at the University of Bedfordshire, presented a paper on "Shareholder primacy and investor short-termism during the Cadbury/Corus takeovers and proposals for reforming the Takeover Code 2006".
Dr Nnamdi Ekeanyanwu, 5 November 2014
A visiting scholar from Nigeria presented a paper on Boko Haram, human rights abuses and the Nigerian State. The seminar for this month was jointly organised with the Centre for Media Analysis, Research and Consultancy (CIMARC) and was well attended by students and academics from both research institutes.
Dr Alessandro Bufalini, 15 October 2014
Alessandro joined us from Milan to deliver a paper on "The Notion of Armed Conflict between International Humanitarian Law and EU Asylum Law". Dr Bufalini is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the School of Law of the University of Milano-Bicocca and Lecturer in International Law at the Tuscia University of Viterbo.
CRiL Workshop on Access to Justice in the Asylum Process, 3 July 2014
On Thursday 3 July 2014 CRiL hosted a Workshop on Access to Justice in the Asylum Process. The event was well attended by lawyers, academics and practitioners working in the field.
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