International Conference on Human Rights, Sustainability and Climate Change (ICHRSCC)

conference-2024 attendees

Welcome to the University of Bedfordshire United Kingdom, Faculty of Finance, Accounting and Law annual International Conference on Human Rights, Sustainability and Climate Change (ICHRSCC) taking place on Friday, 26th of September 2025 and supported by the Global Human Rights Centre, London.

As an inter-disciplinary conference, researchers, experts, scholars, postgraduate students, academics and non-academics, public commentators, policy makers, activists are invited to submit abstracts for presentation that seek to deliver key cutting-edge findings, result oriented solutions, and briefings/ experiences in practice and field work. Presenters can send full paper for publication. Selected papers from conference presentation will be published in an Edited Book Collection.

Download the Conference flyer [PDF]

The International Conference on Human Rights, Sustainability and Climate Change (ICRSCC) is seeking submissions related to the following themes:

  • Human Rights Law
  • Climate Change
  • Sustainability
  • International Human Rights Law
  • Climate Change and Human Rights
  • Business and Human Rights
  • Universal Climate Justice
  • Renewable Energy
  • Energy Transitions
  • Sustainable Development
  • The Rule of Law and Sustainable Development
  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
  • Ecocriticism and Environmental Studies
  • Sustainability, Sustainable Development and Climate Change
  • Human Rights Due Diligence and Supply Chains
  • Fast Fashion, Human Rights and Climate Crises
  • Climate Activism, Ecological Integrity and Social Justice
  • Fast Fashion and Climate Change

Please note that participation is in-person for all presenters.

Please submit a maximum 250 word abstract connected but not limited to themes listed above to We accept proposals from all disciplines.

The conference participants will be presented with:

  1. Certificate of participation.
  2. Conference folder/brochure of programme.
  3. Online digital access to photographs and other resources to stay connected after the conference.
  4. Selected conference papers will be published in an Edited Book Collection.
  5. A letter of acceptance to aid visa processing can be provided for accepted international delegates coming from outside the United Kingdom.
  6. Breakfast and lunch will be served on the day of the conference to participants, panelists and attendees.

Audience Pass

Audience passes are available for all individuals with interests in the conference themes and can benefit from the information, resources, contact and content of the presenters and speakers. Audience can also join preliminary discussions, plenary sessions and participate is Q & A segments. A Certificate of Participation will be provided.

  • Interested participants must submit abstracts before the end working hours on 20th April 2025. Decisions are made within two weeks of abstract submission.

Note: The conference fee is due to be paid upon notification of abstract acceptance - a formal letter of acceptance will be issued once payment is recieved. International delegates should endeavour to apply for their visa ontime to ensure they attend the conference.

  • Owners of selected abstracts must confirm their physical attendance and presentation at the conference by 1 July 2025.
  • Power point presentation must be submitted by 1 August 2025.
  • Participants who desire to submit full paper for publication must complete papers for publication and submit by 30th August 2025.

Note: it is the responsibility of the participants/authors to ensure that the paper is of a high quality.

  • In the week commencing 16 September 2025, a reminder email will be sent to all participants to confirm that there is no change of circumstance and for them to validate their attendance.
  • Programme of events will be provided to participants before or on the day of conference. All delegates should arrive at 8:00AM for registration and validation.

Present to a Global Community

In-person presentation provides the opportunity to share your research, opinion pieces, literature and activist experience with a global and multi-disciplinary audience.

Build your Network

We pride ourselves on connecting international voices and interdisciplinary dialogue through our network of qualified experts, academicians, writers, campaigners, researchers, activists, policy and change makers.


We provide the opportunity to be published in an Edited Book Collection. We also support a variety of Open Access publication pathways to allow maximum flexibility to support principle of open research.

The Conference Fees:

  • Conference Presenters - 160 GBP
  • Postgraduate Research Students Presenters - 50 GBP
  • General Participants: 10 GPB
  • Students - free


The minimal conference registration fee is to cover basic logistics for each delegate (including feeding), ensuring delegates have a great experience at the conference. We are unable to offer conference fee waivers.

All participants are responsible for taking care of their travelling, accommodation and subsistence. We are happy to provide non-financial assistance for those needing accommodation and travelling by pointing them in the right direction.


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