Business and Information Systems Research Centre (BISC)

Business and Information Systems Research Centre

Director: Professor Yanqing Duan

The Business and Information Systems Research Centre (BISC) has two research groups:

Clicking this card will take you to /bmri/centres/bisc/isdt/
Clicking this card will take you to /bmri/centres/bisc/opm/

The centre provides a focal point for staff within the School.

It aims to:

  • conduct theoretical and applicable research
  • facilitate and support other related research activities
  • share knowledge and exchange ideas amongst internal staff and with external partners
  • encourage and support the development of new research ideas and innovative projects
  • disseminate research findings and project outcomes
  • serve as focal point for developing and extending research collaborations with external academic institutions

The centre developed strong links and works closely with many European and UK academic institutions. Most collaborations have been undertaken through funded research projects, especially European Commission research programmes.

Others have been established through common research interests, joint research supervision and joint research publications.

The BISC welcomes new PhD, MPhil and MA/MSc by Research applications. Potential applicants please see Research Students for more information, or contact BISC members directly.