"The apprenticeship has genuinely changed my life by expanding my knowledge, boosting my confidence, and providing me with the opportunity for progression."
Adam Thapar, Senior Leader Apprentice
Apprentice success stories
At the University of Bedfordshire, we take immense pride in witnessing the transformative impact of our apprenticeship programmes. Each success story reflects the dedication, hard work, and determination of our apprentices, supported by our commitment to providing quality training and mentorship. Whether it's breaking into new industries, achieving professional milestones, or making meaningful contributions to their organisations, our apprentices embody the spirit of growth and opportunity.
From aspiring professionals to industry leaders, our apprenticeships have empowered individuals to realise their full potential and thrive in their chosen fields. Join us in celebrating the accomplishments of our apprentices and explore these inspiring narratives to discover how our programmes have transformed lives, cultivated talent, and contributed to the success of both individuals and organisations.
Senior Leader Apprenticeship
Trudi Dunn - Senior Leader MBA
Name: Trudi Dunn
Job Role: Business Transformation Manager
Organisation: Warrington Fire
Apprenticeship: Senior Leader (Executive MBA - CMI Level 7 Certificate in Strategic Management and Leadership)
A Journey of Empowerment: Trudi’s Trailblazing Story
Seizing the Opportunity
Trudi, a dedicated Business Transformation Manager at Warrington Fire, nurtured aspirations to elevate her career to the position of Program Director within the company. Despite initially planning to pursue university education at 18, personal circumstances redirected her path towards her first job locally, setting the stage for her extraordinary professional journey.
Driven by a desire for continuous growth and learning, Trudi seized the opportunity to enroll in the University MBA & Senior Leadership Apprentice programme. This decision marked a pivotal moment in her career trajectory.
Academic Excellence
Trudi's commitment and dedication reflected in her academic accomplishments. Not only did she complete the course, but she also achieved a University 'Distinction' for her Level 7 PG Diploma and obtained the CMI Level 7 Certificate in Strategic Management and Leadership. Subsequently, she excelled in her Senior Leader Apprenticeship and received an overall 'Distinction' grade for her Executive MBA and MBA Research Project.
Transformative Learning
Throughout the course, Trudi's perspectives expanded, and her confidence soared. Initially drawn to the Strategy unit, Trudi was pleasantly surprised by the course's breadth, she discovered value in every module, gaining both validated methodologies for her work and fresh insights into diverse business practices.
"The course surprised me in every unit, introducing new frameworks or perspectives. This has two key impacts, firstly, the confidence to know when I apply parts at work that these are tried and tested methods - validating my lead. And secondly, the new perspectives this has brought to my attention".
Overcoming Challenges
Trudi's journey was not without its challenges. Starting the course brought a blend of excitement and nerves, compounded by the unfamiliarity of academic writing. After an initial learning curve, Trudi found it very enjoyable to read, write and research for the assignments. After the first two had been completed & feedback received, she was set on the format and had gained such confidence in her abilities that she was excited to start the next piece of coursework. Trudi’s determination to excel drove her to overcome various obstacles, resulting in improved articulation and writing skills with direct positive impacts on her work performance, empowering her to articulate business cases and reports with greater ease and clarity.
“I was (and still am) very proud that I joined this course and quickly realised how much not attending university as a young adult had knocked my confidence when talking about myself. The feeling of joy when telling anyone about the course was a key motivator for continuing and striving for top results. The nerves I first felt quickly morphed into the need to prove I belonged and could pass the assignments - a common feeling I had experienced when taking on new roles at work - some call this imposter syndrome. Like with new roles, this faded as I started to get results back. What this taught me was that I strive for a constant sense of achievement - in my grades, my professional achievements and in my personal life”.
Paying it Forward
Now, Trudi actively promotes learning and development opportunities within her company, collaborating with HR to encourage colleagues to pursue various certificates and apprenticeships. She emphasizes the value of continuous professional growth and encourages others to seize similar opportunities. Trudi adds, "There may never be the 'right time' to start a course like this but the value in my personal and professional growth has made every study effort worth it. I want to encourage others looking for professional development at a higher level to use courses such as this as it had a great blend of academic and practical aspects".
Personal Milestones
A significant highlight for Trudi was receiving her postgraduate diploma with her daughters in attendance. This experience not only filled her with pride but also inspired her daughters to pursue higher education, a testament to the transformative power of her journey.
"I was unbelievably proud to show them what is possible at any point in your life. Both girls now want to go to university. I absolutely credit this experience in helping inspire them".
Recognition & Embracing the Future
Trudi's academic prowess was further validated by the University JE Cule Memorial Prize for her Executive MBA Dissertation Project, highlighting her exceptional achievements and academic writing skills. With newfound confidence and skills, Trudi is poised to transition into a Director role, serving as a role model for her peers and demonstrating leadership excellence in every aspect of her work.
Trudi's journey exemplifies the transformative power of apprenticeship programmes in fostering personal and professional growth. Her story inspires others to embrace opportunities for advancement, embodying resilience, dedication, and a commitment to lifelong learning. Trudi exemplified excellence as a mature student, offering unwavering support to her classmates, readily sharing information, and mentoring peers, all while balancing a full-time job and parenthood - a true embodiment of a role model. With her newfound confidence and expertise, the sky is truly the limit for Trudi's career trajectory.
Ivonne Fombe Willias - Senior Leader MBA
Name: Ivonne Fombe Willias
Job Role: Senior Leader
Organisation: West Northamptonshire Council
Apprenticeship: Senior Leader (Executive MBA - CMI Level 7 Certificate in Strategic Management and Leadership)
Transformative Leadership: Ivonne's Journey to Excellence
Evolving Horizons
Ivonne is a Certified Manager dedicated to orchestrating strategic discharges from hospitals and fostering a higher quality of life for residents in West Northamptonshire. Ivonne's relentless pursuit of excellence propelled her through the Level 7 Senior Leader Apprenticeship, culminating in an exceptional 'Distinction' grade, a testament to her unwavering commitment and leadership acumen.
Charting a Path to Self-Aware Leadership
Reflecting on her transformative journey, Ivonne shares that she cultivated self-awareness of her personal brand and was determined to communicate it clearly to those around her. Ivonne went on to expresses, "I have learned and emphasised the fact that the most valuable quality is the ability to choose my attitude in situations over which I have no control. As a leader, I am responsible for bringing about changes that will benefit others."
Navigating Leadership Growth & Organisational Success
Driven by an intrinsic desire for progress, Ivonne remarks, “I now possess intrapreneurial and innovative skills that can contribute to the welfare of both staff and other stakeholders. I work collaboratively with them to maximise our potential, effectiveness, and efficiency in my role. The Kolb Learning Cycle introduced a new way of thinking for me. The diverse projects covered in the apprenticeship bolstered my confidence to critically assess win-win situations and utilise my skills effectively. Through the knowledge and behaviours acquired in this apprenticeship, I understand and effortlessly demonstrate my duty to lead people development, including talent management, succession planning, workforce design, coaching, and mentoring arrangements for individuals within their area of responsibility.
I have successfully identified the goals and aspirations of my organisation and determined the requirements for effective leadership. The knowledge I have gained and applied enables me to understand the calibre of employees sought by my employer, both in recruitment and in the development of existing staff. As a leader in today's workforce, I recognise the importance of continuous self-improvement and am conscientious of the programmes that support the well-being and welfare of my team.
My enhanced performance, knowledge, and behaviours serve the needs, goals, aspirations, and values of my organisation, as well as the welfare of those involved in the strategy. Through inter-organisational strategy analysis, we aim to achieve identified strategic leadership ambitions and analyse the relationship between existing and future skills required. Strategic leadership necessitates my responsibility for both my personal development and that of my team, including the implementation of these development plans”.
Legacy of Leadership
Charting the course for her team's success, Ivonne says, "I am responsible for setting the overall strategic direction of the area of responsibility in partnership with the Senior Leadership Team, encouraging employees to buy into the organisation's vision. During my studies I learned how to understand organisational structures and business models. To apply this knowledge in my workplace l needed to understand the structures of the organisation. Working for a local authority with its bureaucratic structures and values, it was challenging to shape and develop the vision, culture, and values of the organisation. Despite these challenges I developed confidence in myself that I could as a leader influence the culture of my department”.
A Testament to Growth
Grateful for her transformative experience, Ivonne reflects, "I am grateful to have been on this programme as I’m definitely not the same person that started this journey 18 months ago." Her daughter's poignant note underscores the profound impact of her apprenticeship, reinforcing that she made the right decision to join the programme; "Mummy you make me more and more proud every day. It is an honour and a blessing to have you as my mum."
Alex Mortimer - Senior Leader MBA
Name: Alex Mortimer
Job Role: Commercial Director
Organisation: Supply Chain Academy Group
Apprenticeship: Senior Leader (Executive MBA - CMI Level 7 Certificate in Strategic Management and Leadership)
Alex Mortimer: A Case Study in Leadership and Growth
From Start-up to Industry Leader
With over two decades of experience spanning the public and private sectors, Alex Mortimer currently serves as the Commercial Director of the Supply Chain Academy Group. Alongside the Senior Leadership team, he has propelled the business from its inception to becoming the UK's foremost provider of business-led supply chain training and degree apprenticeships.
Rising Above Adversity
Despite not being perceived as exceptionally bright during his school years, Alex channels his past experiences as motivation to excel in every endeavor he undertakes. Alex achieved remarkable success in his Senior Leader Apprenticeship, earning a 'Distinction' grade. Additionally, he received a 'Commendation' for the Level 7 academic qualification associated with the apprenticeship.
An Exemplary Apprentice
Throughout the University-led programme, Alex's enthusiasm and articulate contributions stood out. His exceptional attendance, coupled with adept management of both workplace responsibilities and academic demands, distinguished him as a standout Student Ambassador, shaping future programme development and supporting fellow Apprentices.
Driving Organisational Change
Renowned for his deep-thinking and entrepreneurial traits, Alex seamlessly integrates the apprenticeship's topics into his diverse roles and responsibilities. His outstanding performance has garnered praise from his employer, who acknowledges the tangible improvements in his leadership and workplace presence. In his own words, Alex emphasises the importance of organisational learning in today's dynamic business landscape.
“I am now confident leading on adapting to business change in today’s fast changing business environment, where knowing more and knowing it faster than the competition is often the difference between surviving and not surviving, organisational learning is more and more being recognised as a crucial organisational function and this I want to share with others to drive performance”.
Commitment to the Future
Beyond his professional endeavors, Alex actively contributes to the business community. His tenure as a Councillor on the CBI Board for the East of England and his current roles as a board member of the Global Chamber for Commerce and an Institute of Directors (IoD) Board Ambassador underscore his dedication to addressing supply chain and global trade challenges.
Alex’s journey exemplifies the transformative power of determination, continuous learning, and leadership excellence. His unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth serves as an inspiration to aspiring leaders and highlights the profound impact of lifelong learning and community engagement.
Adam Thapar - Senior Leader MBA
Name: Adam Thapar
Job Role: Head of Community, EDI and Dementia Services
Organisation: Age UK Hertfordshire
Apprenticeship: Senior Leader (Executive MBA - CMI Level 7 Certificate in Strategic Management and Leadership)
Empowered by Education: My MBA Journey - by Adam Thapar
This MBA has genuinely changed my life by expanding my knowledge, boosting my confidence, and providing me with the opportunity for progression within my current role. Looking back I can draw on lessons and experiences from all six modules and projects.
I have experienced a wide range of emotions in completing this course – self-doubt, uncertainty, stress – but also elation, glee, enthusiasm; I have shown myself that I have a strong drive to succeed. My grades were good throughout the span of the course - which stimulated me and to want to keep getting better and improving. I established a very high standard for myself when I started working on the final MBA project, which became challenging to keep and uphold.
The final assignment stretched my knowledge and abilities once more and was a genuine culmination of all the reading, studying, and hard work and dedication that I put into the course. Now that this is completed, I am excited to see where my future career will take me.
After discussing the level of commitment an MBA would require with my employer and partner, I approached it with all of my eagerness and excitement. After considering a number of courses, I finally opted on this one as it would allow me to attend university for learning sessions onsite with fellow classmates (mixing this in with remote sessions) and the topics covered within the course seemed to be the best locally. I was primarily drawn to the MBA's Creative Leadership module when I first started (which was the first module/initiation into the MBA when I started), but the whole MBA course ended up covering a lot more subjects than simply creativity due to the brilliant class discussions that helped me develop and grow in terms of my confidence and self-awareness.
When I started the MBA project, I was eager to learn more about my current organisation and how I might apply the different MBA modules and learnings to explore whether the organisation was in the best position that it could be to be successful in a new dementia contract (with dementia being a disease and disability that is very close to my heart).
This required me to design a project that addressed a number of topics, such as Strategy and Partnership Working, Entrepreneurial Architecture, New Public Management and Change to see if Age UK Hertfordshire could overcome any organisational barriers to ensure its success. Since these topics were covered in the Creative Leadership, Innovating in a Strategic Environment and Entrepreneurialism modules - selecting them for my project was simple, as these modules made connections between a lot of business theory and actual workplace problems - and most significantly, the person-centered component of leadership and Voluntary Sector support. It was the topic that challenged me the most but was also the most fulfilling, as I assumed I understood a great deal about the subject - but I soon discovered there was far more literature and theory than I had imagined.
On a personal level, completing the project work and MBA as a whole has been immensely helpful. It has built my confidence and reinforced my professional credibility amongst the teams by allowing me to reflect on my role as a senior manager and my leadership skills by usefully following my learning and development as part of the course. It has also helped me cope positively with changes (both enforced by my learning and by changes in the environment) and supports the constant need to update my skills and competencies to inform and address future professional goals and the strategic ambitions of myself and that of my organisation.
Completing my MBA has also given me a more in depth of knowledge of leading - which will undoubtedly assist me in providing clear solutions whilst also adding value to the quality of my work for my organisation. Having an MBA qualification will also help me build credibility and experience as a leader and work towards becoming a future Chief Executive of an organisation.
Michelle Everitt - Senior Leader MBA
Name: Michelle Everitt
Job Role: Assistant Director of Student Experience
Organisation: University of Bedfordshire
Apprenticeship: Senior Leader (Executive MBA - CMI Level 7 Certificate in Strategic Management and Leadership)
Interview with Michelle
How does your Apprenticeship study support your job role?
The units on the apprenticeship focus on real life aspects of the work I do. I am responsible for the strategic direction in which Careers & Employability supports students, graduates and the wider university. The course work really supports my knowledge and ability to move the agenda forward.
What impact has the Apprenticeship had?
The apprenticeship has enabled me to plan in a more creative way when priorities change, or existing projects require redeveloping. I feel I can approach problem solving differently in a more innovative way ensuring all resource is used efficiently which is so important in the modern world.
What have you learnt since starting the Apprenticeship?
I have learnt a lot about myself such as the way I approach a challenge , collaborate with stakeholders, and understand why leaders lead the way they do from studying the theory of mindsets. I feel that this continues to have a positive impact on not just my work but also that of my team and the wider organisations strategic direction.
Why did you decide to do an Apprenticeship?
This fits in perfectly with my role, as I am able to study part time. The apprenticeship units are relevant and enable me to use my new skills to consider and impact on real life work challenges
What are the benefits of working and studying at the same time?
It has enabled me to undertake study. I would not have been able to undertake this apprenticeship if it didn't fit into my work schedule. I am given a day a week to undertake my study. This hasn't affected my work priorities as I am organised which is really important when studying and working.
What is the best thing about your Apprenticeship?
It's perfect especially as the study links well with my role as Assistant Director of Student experience and Head of Careers & Employability and the assignments I have completed directly relate to my real-life working practice . I am really enjoying all that I am learning.
Don Tapfumaneyi - Senior Leader MBA
Name: Don Tapfumaneyi
Job Role: Deputy Borough Lead Nurse
Organisation: East London Foundation NHS Trust
Apprenticeship: Senior Leader (Executive MBA - CMI Level 7 Certificate in Strategic Management and Leadership)
Interview with Don
How does your Apprenticeship study support your job role?
It encourages me to adopt an enhanced level of strategic thinking which gives the opportunity to directly contribute to and influence the development of services that I am aligned to.
It provides me with a forum/platform to network with other leaders outside the organisation and hold meaningful conversations about experiences of leading teams and driving change that I can use to reflect on when thinking about individual and group leadership in my own workplace.
By learning more about leadership theory and understanding my own leadership style, I am able to Inspire a shared purpose within the teams I lead. It has highlighted the similarities within organisations, regardless of the type of business, and helped me to have a more rounded understanding of budgets, funding streams and finance.
What impact has the Apprenticeship had?
It has encouraged me to undertake wider reading of management and leadership literature and supported me to put concepts into practice.
I’ve been able to shadow Executive members of the Organisation in order to observe their management style. I’ve been able to understand the relationship between my leadership performance and how it impacts on the teams.
What have you learnt since starting the Apprenticeship?
I've learnt about the challenges and opportunities associated with the concept of creativity, innovation and change management. I'm able to identify and reflect on the use of a range of theoretical perspectives to recognise and develop my own personal leadership style.
Understanding the true value of peer support outside the 'classroom' environment has been one of my biggest lessons so far. Engaging in open and honest discussions and having a safe and respectful forum to do so has certainly enriched my learning experience and helped me to reflect, self-appraise and appreciate the value of diverse thinking and action.
Why did you decide to do an Apprenticeship?
What attracted me was the opportunity to gain some nationally recognised qualifications while earning. By equipping me with essential skills and qualifications needed to progress it's clear that doors are opened to a wealth of career opportunities.
An Apprenticeship is a route available that is immensely supportive to the achievement of your 'next step' by allowing you to maintain comfortable home-work balance. Ultimately, it contributes towards getting you where you want to be in the future in a way that causes minimal disruption to your everyday life.
What are the benefits of working and studying at the same time?
It's exciting to be part of a professional forum external to the workplace and be able to take ideas and learning from one group and implement them directly into another.
What is the best thing about your Apprenticeship?
It's an invaluable opportunity to meet people from different working environments and personal backgrounds as it gives such a rich depth of exposure to alternative thinking and concepts which really encourages a broader scope of learning, discussion, and debate which I enjoy. It's also been a great way to get back into education and meet new people.
Project Manager Apprenticeship
Rosie Lay - Project Management
Name: Rosie Lay
Job Role: Project Manager
Organisation: UK Atomic Energy Authority
Apprenticeship: Level 6 Project Management Degree Apprenticeship
How does your Apprenticeship study support your job role?
The ability to learn best practices that I can adapt and apply to my job role has supported my career in project management. I can utilise the learnt theory to help problem solve and maintain strong management of my teams.
What impact has the apprenticeship had?
I have been able to implement processes, voice recommendations and have had an increased level of understanding that would have taken me many years more to develop without this apprenticeship. It has also impacted me in terms of the professional relationships I have developed and the links to other workplaces. Learning about my fellow classmate’s experiences and how they apply the same teachings is a very valuable insight that I can compare with my company.
What have you learnt since starting the apprenticeship?
I have learnt all about project management in depth and the best practices I can use to help manage my projects more efficiently. I have especially been able to develop my leadership skills and have learnt the theory behind some techniques.
Why did you decide to do an apprenticeship?
I wasn’t entirely sure which direction I wanted to pursue my career in, so I had a look around and found degree apprenticeships. This seemed like a brilliant option for me as I could learn new skills whilst also learning about the workplace.
What are the benefits of working and studying at the same time?
The main benefit is the application of skills as mentioned above. The other benefit is the increase in organisation skills I have learnt over the past years. Balancing study and work has pushed me to become more organised and develop better time management skills. I can thoroughly plan out assignments and manage them alongside project work in a way that is most beneficial for all my priorities.
What is the best thing about your apprenticeship?
The best thing I found was the communication amongst peers. I learnt all about how project management is applied in different organisations and have benefited from sharing experiences. I have also made some great friends after working with them over the last 4 years.
Georgia Jeycock - Project Management
Name: Georgia Jeycock
Job Role: Project Manager
Organisation: Luton Borough Council
Apprenticeship: Project Management
Interview with Georgia
How does your apprenticeship study support your job role?
I started my Project Management role with Luton Borough Council 6 months after starting my Apprenticeship, meaning that I was able to put in to practice what I had learnt in order to make me feel more settled and confident in my new role. I have since been able to gain valuable experience of applying theories and project management tools that I have learnt throughout my Apprenticeship to help me be a more successful Project Manager.
What impact has the Apprenticeship had?
This Apprenticeship has helped me learn how to be an effective Project Manager to deliver positive outcomes that can deliver a change. All of the modules within this Apprenticeship are very informative and allow you to learn various tools and theories that you can apply within the workplace. This Apprenticeship has had a very positive impact on my career within Luton Borough Council and will help me to continue to grow.
What have you learnt since starting the Apprenticeship?
I have learnt various tools, techniques and theories throughout this Apprenticeship and also financial equations that help me to budget my projects effectively. I have also learnt how to manage my time more effectively, as I have had to manage a full time job whilst also completing this Apprenticeship part time.
Why did you decide to do an Apprenticeship?
I decided on an Apprenticeship study, as I have previously completed an Apprenticeship with Luton Borough Council where I had such a positive experience, I was excited to apply for this Apprenticeship as well. I also knew that I always wanted to become a Project Manager, so when I saw this Apprenticeship come up I knew I had to apply in order to help me achieve the next stage within my career. Apprenticeships are a great way of learning on the job and receiving the support in order to help you achieve this.
What are the benefits of working and studying at the same time?
Although this can be difficult at times to juggle the two, there are benefits in that you are not alone! Some of my colleagues on the Apprenticeship are also from the Council and are in the same position, so you can work together and support each other to ensure that you do not fall behind. It also allows you to put into practice what you learn during your lectures and to gain first hand experience that you can apply once the Apprenticeship is complete.
What is the best thing about your Apprenticeship?
The best thing about my Apprenticeship is that I am always learning new things that I am able to apply directly into my current job role! I really feel that Apprenticeships are a great way of learning whilst in the workplace and my Manager has been fantastic in supporting me to complete this!
Ben Torreggiani - Project Management
Name: Ben Torreggiani
Job Role: Digital Learning Development Officer
Organisation: Luton Council
Apprenticeship: Project Management Apprenticeship Level 4
Interview with Ben
How does your Apprenticeship study support your job role?
The apprenticeship study has supported my job role by giving me the tools to assist me to successfully manage and deliver e-learning projects within the Council.
What impact has the Apprenticeship had?
I find myself using the techniques and information learnt during my apprenticeship on a daily basis throughout all my projects.
What have you learnt since starting the Apprenticeship?
The apprenticeship has taught me the foundations of good project management practice. The comprehensive study program has taught me things such as how to manage risk on a project, how to manage stakeholders, how to prepare a project business case and how to manage teams successfully.
Why did you decide to do on an Apprenticeship?
I decided on an apprenticeship as a really wanted to develop my project managements skills. The program was offered via my workplace and seemed like a good fit. Also the industry recognised APM project management qualification that you aim to achieve really sold it to me.
What are the benefits of working and studying at the same time?
Although working and studying at the same time can be challenging I have felt that the apprenticeship has really assisted me in the workplace. Putting into practice what you have learnt via the apprenticeship is really rewarding.
What is the best thing about your Apprenticeship?
Apart from the fact I have found the knowledge gained really useful I have also really enjoyed lectures again as a mature student!
Claire Ellis - Project Management
Name: Claire Ellis
Job Role: Cisco Operations Product Manager
Organisation: Ingram Micro UK
Apprenticeship: Project Management
Interview with Claire
How does your Apprenticeship study support your job role?
As I work for Ingram Micro, the largest distributor of I.T products in the U.K, the way in which we work and deliver services to our customers is constantly changing with new technological advancements.
I am therefore regularly involved in global strategic projects. The course that the University of Bedfordshire provides supports both the academic and practical elements of project management.
What impact has the Apprenticeship had?
My confidence has grown due to the knowledge I have obtained during the course. I have a better understanding of how successful project management processes and planning can assist with project management delivery. This has and will continue to impact projects I work on.
What have you learnt since starting the Apprenticeship?
I have had the opportunity to learn project management theory and how it can be applied to a “real-life” situation. I also have learnt about aspects of project management which I would not normally have direct involvement with.
Why did you decide to do an Apprenticeship?
I felt in order to execute a project well, I would need to obtain a better understanding of a project life-cycle and processes end-to-end. I therefore felt an immersive apprenticeship would be the best way to do this.
What are the benefits of working and studying at the same time?
The benefits of working and studying at the same time are that you can apply theory and learning into a real, working environment. It also means that you have the potential to bring new ideas and implement new processes to the workplace.
What is the best thing about your Apprenticeship?
The apprenticeship has been great! It has given me the opportunity to have discussions with like-minded individuals from different backgrounds and learn from their experiences. We have been able to draw from experience and enhance existing knowledge and processes.
Associate Project Manager Apprenticeship
Chloe Barnes - Associate Project Manager
Name: Chloe Barnes
Job Role: Associate Project Manager
Organisation: Luton Borough Council
Apprenticeship: Level 4 Associate Project Manager
A Journey of Youth and Promise
Chloe Barnes began her journey with Luton Borough Council in September 2021, enrolling in our Level 4 Associate Project Manager Apprenticeship course provided in partnership with her employer. With an NVQ background but no prior experience in higher education, Chloe was eager to leverage work-based evidence and practical learning. Initially focused on administrative tasks within the IT department, she soon took on various projects, applying her coursework to real-world scenarios.
During her apprenticeship, Chloe advanced to the role of FM and Compliance Project Support Assistant at Luton Borough Council. Working alongside a Senior Project Manager, she fully immersed herself in the dynamic world of project management. As a local student and single mother, Chloe expertly balanced her new job responsibilities with the academic demands of university assignments, preparation for the APM PMQ exam, and the development of a comprehensive portfolio for her end-point assessment.
Chloe's strong skills in English, maths, and IT, combined with her excellent communication abilities, enabled her to effectively engage with her fellow online learners. She actively participated in regular meetings with her Coordinator and Line Manager, forming a supportive tripartite team dedicated to her progress. Chloe's future looks bright, with promising aspirations and promotion prospects as she looked forward to completing her apprenticeship and stepping into the role of a fully qualified Project Manager.
Despite occasional feelings of being overwhelmed, Chloe found steadfast support from her tutors, coordinators, and Line Manager. Her Individual Learning Plan (ILP) meticulously recorded meetings and goals, outlining a strategic and balanced approach to ensure steady progress toward her end-point assessment (EPA).
Chloe successfully passed the APM PMQ exam and focused on selecting 25 exemplary documents from her portfolio to present at Gateway. She completed her apprenticeship with a commendable Merit grade and reached out to the University to discuss the possibility of advancing onto the Project Management Degree Apprenticeship (PMDA).
Chloe's story is one of dedication, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence, and it's sure to inspire others on similar paths.
We've partnered with numerous large private and public sector organisations to advance the apprenticeship agenda. Our focus is on supporting apprentices and employers alike to benefit from experiential learning and contemporary knowledge across various business disciplines. This collaboration aids employers in achieving their apprenticeship goals, in fields such as Project Management, Operations or Departmental Management, Senior Leader and Chartered Manager
Our apprenticeship suite is flexible and adaptable, tailored to meet the specific needs of each organisation, ensuring apprentices derive maximum value from their university experience while thriving in their workplace environments. Explore our full range of apprenticeships to see how we can support your journey.
Apprenticeship showcase event
On Thursday 29th June, the University of Bedfordshire organised its first-ever Apprenticeships Showcase event, showcasing the remarkable accomplishments of its external apprentices. With more than 55 delegates in attendance, the event served as a significant milestone, not only celebrating the achievements of the University's apprentices but also informing its employees about the available professional development pathway.
The showcase provided a platform to gain insights into available courses and qualifications. Dr Rhidian Lewis, the University's Apprenticeships Lead, delivered an inspiring presentation on the personal growth opportunities and professional advancement at the University - from an employer’s perspective, as well as that of a regional education provider.
The subsequent panel discussion, led by David Williams, Senior Lecturer in Business, then offered a spotlight to four exceptional apprentices who shared their personal experiences - revealing their motivations for embarking on their respective apprenticeship journeys. They highlighted the positive impact that these programmes had on their career objectives and how they contributed to the growth of their organisations. Their stories served as a shining example of the success that can be achieved through dedication and hard work on this on-the-job training programme.
Delegates also had the opportunity to take part in an Awards Ceremony, a moment of triumph and recognition for the external apprentices who demonstrated exceptional commitment to their studies. These outstanding individuals received certificates, proudly acknowledging their scholastic achievements, with some even graduating with Distinctions.
Looking ahead, the University of Bedfordshire encourages our staff, as well as external organisations seeking to recruit or upskill their employees, to consider the transformative power of apprenticeships – taking advantage of this subsidised training initiative.
With a wide range of courses tailored to suit diverse needs, including the exciting new courses starting from September 2023, our apprenticeships programme presents an opportunity for personal career growth whilst tackling organisational skill shortages.
For further information and to get in touch, please visit Apprenticeships