Institutional Evaluation Activities & Projects
The Academy leads on the evaluation of educational and student experience practices at the University of Bedfordshire. This includes the authorship of the University’s Access and Participation Plan Evaluation Strategy.
Our work is guided by an Expert Evaluation Panel which comprises academic and professional staff from across the University, at different levels of seniority and an external expert from another higher education provider.
Current Evaluation Projects
The following evaluation and research activities, involving the Evaluation and Enhancement team are currently underway:
Evaluating (and comparing) all Students as Partner initiatives
The University’s Education and Student Experience Strategy commits to expanding initiatives relating to students as partners (SaP) given their significance in enhancing student engagement, developing learning, and creating collaborative learning communities that cultivate respect, trust, and reciprocal learning between students and staff. SaP initiatives also aim to amplify the student voice and support the development of participants’ graduate competencies.
Current SaPs include Student Experience Leaders (SELs), Student Experience Researchers, Student Ambassadors, and Student Sustainability Leaders. They are all being evaluated with a survey tool that shares core questions. This will enable us to identify and compare impacts. A pre-post-test is being implemented, structured according to UNESCO’s 4-pillars of learning (namely, learning to: know, do, be/become, and work together). Students involved in the SaP initiatives who have consented are tracked using the Higher Education Access Tracker (HEAT).
Evaluating Student Experience Leaders
The Student Experience Leader (SEL) scheme, introduced in 2022, is now in its third consecutive year. Some 20 SELs participated in 2022/23, 18 in 2023/24, and 17 in 24/25. They work with student peers, academics, professional services staff, and the Students’ Union. As in previous years, nominated university staff act as SEL scheme coordinators, supervising a group of allocated SELs.
This year, the impacts of working as a SEL will be evaluated through a pre-post test structured according to UNESCO’s four pillars of learning. To evaluate longer-term impacts on student success, these students have consented to be tracked for progression and graduate outcomes using the Higher Education Access Tracker (HEAT).
Student Sustainability Leadership initiative
Following the successful implementation and positive evaluation findings from the pilot run during February-June 2024, this initiative will run again during 2025. It is coordinated by the Academy for Learning and Teaching Excellence (ALTE) and comprises another student as a partner initiative and channel for student voice. It expands education for sustainability provision and develops employability. It comprises a voluntary extra-/co-curriculum opportunity for students from different disciplines to address a particular challenge or enhance experiences on-campus, in the curriculum, or community. Students work in small groups of 3-4 and frame their solutions in relation to relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). They are led by academics who volunteer their time. Upon completion, students receive a digital ' student leadership’ badge from SOS-UK/British Academy and a Beds Career Development Award (BCDA) at the ‘gold’ level. The projects will be evaluated for impacts not just on students but also on academics and the contributions of the outputs and outcomes to the university and their delivery of strategic commitments.
Evaluating Academic Success Tutors/Coaches
Running for a second year in AY24/25, the Academic Success Tutors/Coaches initiative aims to improve the continuation outcomes, especially for courses where retention rates are below the OfS continuation threshold of 80%. With some additional courses, the success tutors and coaches from the previous year will continue to support students with various needs.
Metrics to be used to evaluate the intervention include:
- first assessment submission and pass numbers
- resits and retakes
- numbers of students progressing from the first exam boards
- in-year withdrawal rates
- continuation rates across and within levels FY to L4, L4 to L5
In addition, Learning Analytics (MyEngagement) data, which tracks interactions between AST/Cs and students, will be analysed descriptively and comparatively across faculties to better understand student support needs.
Evaluating Authentic Assessments
Authentic assessments deliver the University’s curriculum change and assessment transformation commitments and its commitment to developing educational gain through career readiness and enhancement. Authentic assessments have been associated with enhanced learning outcomes and competencies, including higher-order thinking, applied and complex problem-solving, and employability. The evaluation of their impacts is included in the University’s Access and Participation Plan (2025-2029). It will involve developing a methodology to evaluate the impacts on student grades and experiences.
Researching the gaps in attainment between White and Black, Asian and Other minoritised ethnic groups
As with other universities, the University has implemented a series of curriculum, assessment, and teaching and learning changes with a view to reducing the attainment gaps. Current research projects are being co-created with three Student Experience Researchers (SERs—effectively research consultants based in the Academy) to capture experiences and perspectives about prevailing barriers. This workstream is included in the University’s Access and Participation Plan (2025-2029).
Past Evaluation Projects
The following evaluation and research activities involving the Evaluation and Enhancement team have already been evaluated, and details related to outcomes can be found below:
Download the evaluation document for this project [DOCX]
Download the evaluation document for this project [DOCX]
Download the evaluation document for this project [DOCX]
Download the 2022-23 evaluation document for this project [DOCX]
Download the 2023-24 evaluation document for this project [DOCX]
Download the evaluation document for this project [DOCX]
Download the evaluation document for this project [DOCX]
Institutional Guidelines for Evaluation
Please visit the Academy document library to access the 'Expert Evaluation Panel: Terms of Reference' and the Evaluation and Research Authorship Guidelines.
Evaluation of CPD and support
‘Evaluating and enhancing practice’ is included as part of the academic induction for new staff and is offered twice annually. Places are booked via iTrent (search 'evaluation').
If you would like to discuss evaluation practices or a planned evaluation project then contact