- About us
- Our University
- Procurement
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Our Governance
- Community Partnership Agreement
- Wider Information Set
- Public information
- Privacy Notice
- FOI Publication Scheme
- Introduction to the Publication Scheme
- Who we are and what we do
- Contact details
- What we spend and how we spend it
- Our policies and procedures
- Academic and student services
- Equality and Diversity
- Human Resources
- Health, safety and estates
- Information requests
- Research
- Records Management
- Insurance for employees on University business abroad
- Generic terms
- How we make decisions
- Lists and registers
- The services we offer
- What our priorities are and how we are doing
- Academic Regulations
- Quality and Standards
- Our Websites
- Student Guide to Assessment
- Our Graduates
- Our Honouries
- Our People
- Our Heritage
- Our faculties and partners
- Campuses
- Our Facilities
- Our values
- Timetable
Records Management
Data Protection, Information Security and Records Management
Data Protection
The Data Protection Act (DPA) exists to protect information about individuals. Adherence to it's eight guiding principles ensure personal data we hold is:
- processed fairly and lawfully
- processed for specified purposes
- adequate, relevant and not excessive
- accurate and up to date
- not kept for longer than necessary
- processed in accordance with your rights
- kept securely
- not transferred to other countries without protection
- Please refer to our Data Protection Policy and Guidance -
PDF 78.8 KB for more information.
For all other material in this category, including records retention and archive policies, and the University's Network Acceptable Use policy, please contact the Publication Scheme co-ordinator
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